Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
2 ‘ Best hang tight to my arm , boy , ’ he yelled and together they leaned forward and tramped through the long wet grass to wrestle with the Littles ' gate .
3 ‘ Was n't I the best prospect Bermondsey 'ad for a long time before I got me wound ? ’ he asked .
4 She read for a long time , and I had the bonus of knowing my father was waiting impatiently to fuck her again on this night of nights which was really their honeymoon .
5 In America , partly because of more recycling , safeguards depended more on full accounting for the nuclear materials themselves as they passed through the long and complex procedures .
6 ‘ Now take this meatloaf , boys , ’ her father announced after a long silence , for no-one talked unless directly addressed by the head of the family .
7 ‘ Well , are yer comin' or ai n't yer ? ’ he asked after a long and noisy sip at the cup that cheers .
8 I asked after a long pause .
9 That was when they had sent for Captain Freddie , and after what he described as a long , sometimes ‘ vair ackermonious diskussion ’ , and after a good deal of long distance telephoning , fax instructions had finally come through that allowed the Chileans to accept his decision as to what was required .
10 The device was inspired by a bus journey taken by Gysin , when the sun flickered through a long avenue of trees .
11 However , the level of total exports and of exports of manufactures rose throughout the long boom and the 1970s .
12 " A multitude of pillars and white domes , clustered into a long low pyramid of coloured light . "
13 ‘ I realised in this day and age that people are looking for something that wee bit different , and we found with the long spell of bad weather we 've had over the summer months that people want to stay inside , ’ explained Mr Nelson .
14 Can I also say that the erm the fear expressed about Woolwich , I believe to be fairly well founded Woolwich building , a Woolwich er , Building Society had been on erm , entered into a long time ago on this erm and the letter that was read out at Potter Street area committee from Woolwich indicated that they had n't yet decided whether they would proceed and er I think is I 've talked to the publican since they have promised us an answer this week er we are intending , we have spoken , Dermot 's also spoken to our managing director we are confident we will have an answer from this week and I have to tell you that I think the answer will either no , or it will be so hazy that we 'll need to take some action and make a decision .
15 Grasshoppers churred in the long grass .
16 Matthew 's theory drew upon a long tradition of applying evolutionism to the problems of biogeography begun by the first Darwinians .
17 While ‘ planning ’ in these various guises seemed to find its moment in the Second World War , it also drew upon a long evolution of social and political thought which stretched back to before the Great War .
18 She now knelt down by Robbie Felton 's side and tentatively , she put her hand inside his thick blue cloth jacket , then drew in a long slow breath when she could feel the beating of his heart .
19 And I have a feeling- ’ She now drew in a long breath before resuming ‘ And it 's more than a feeling , it 's a certainty that , although we 're leaving here , being forced to leave here , we 'll return , for this is our home .
20 The rush over , Maggie drew in a long breath , and turning to the supervisor who was hovering in the background , she asked , ‘ All right if we go ? ’
21 Aggie drew in a long breath and glanced at the child before answering Ben .
22 As the head snuggled into her and the thin arm came round her waist , Aggie drew in a long tight breath ; then when her own arm automatically went around the child , she closed her eyes tightly , because for the first time in her life she was feeling flesh close to her own .
23 Aggie drew in a long breath , bowed her head slightly and said , ‘ Aye , I know you did , love ; but come and sit down a minute . ’
24 He drew in a long , shuddering breath .
25 Her neck rose in a long , rounded column to a face which , though not classically beautiful — the nose was too tilted , the mouth too wide — was heart-stopping in its freshness , its air of innocence combined with its look of deep , untapped feminine knowledge .
26 He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints .
27 We happily planned a day hike as we swam in the long blue lake while butterflies fluttered around us .
28 The youth work practice which began to emerge in the 1870s and 1880s built upon a long tradition of mainly religious charitable activity among young people , usually in connection with Sunday schools , temperance societies and the Band of Hope .
29 As they approached down the long corridor she could see George , the sacrificial dummy , slumped over the console : the bait for Forster 's trap .
30 Only once was a jarring note struck , and that was when Roger referred to the long room leading out of the kitchen as the ‘ museum ’ .
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