Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] next " in BNC.

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1 How she got through the next day , she could n't remember .
2 The story of how Meehan and his advisors tried and failed during the next seven years to obtain justice for him in the light of increasing evidence of his innocence and Waddell 's guilt makes sorry reading .
3 Here we lived for the next fifteen years , with the eighteenth-century kirk across the road , and from my study window at the front a clear thirty-mile view across the Tweed valley to the distant Cheviots .
4 When MacMinimum and I rode through the next day , they were pulling the walls down and even uprooting the foundations .
5 ‘ Are you alone ? ’ asked Helen , when she phoned through the next afternoon to the College of Further Education staff common room during Greg 's free period .
6 A movement was born that provided for the next four years the reference point for the left , and for artists and what passed for Britain 's Beats .
7 Early in 1989 his book , A Brief History of Time , toppled my autobiography from No 1 to No 2 on the best-seller list , which positions we retained for the next 13 weeks .
8 Once , desperate for a full night 's sleep , he had accepted her offer of a Valium , sluicing it down with his usual nightcap , and moved about the next morning like a diver walking on the seabed .
9 He was at once promoted to lance-corporal but although Travis [ Commander Edward Travis who was chief administrator at B.P. ] tried for the next six months to find a suitable military unit to which Harold could be attached as an officer , he had no luck .
10 I left him there , and headed for the next block .
11 So blackly venomous was his expression that Perdita fled towards the next pitch , scattering the polo balls which lay like a hatch of goose eggs near the goal posts .
12 As they moved towards the next tee she nodded towards her niece .
13 They moved into the next room and sat down to dinner .
14 At each stop trains were besieged with hawkers selling everything from chapattis to a shave , but passengers could telegraph ahead so that a delicious and aromatic meal was brought on a tray covered with a napkin to the window of the carriage as the train drew into the next station .
15 They stopped in the next village two miles away .
16 A major disaster occurred in the next month , when the Crystal Palace was burned to the ground on the night of 5 December , when over 500 firemen were required .
17 Such was the ferment of the times throughout Europe , and such was the rising volume of political controversy within Britain ( bear in mind also the Suffragette agitation and the conflict over the future of Ireland ) , that a more dramatic tipping of the balance than actually occurred in the next few years might have been expected .
18 The boys , both pumped up by their achievement , ran and jumped all along the road to the Land Rover that we found round the next bend , and rode back in euphoric good spirits .
19 When convocation met in December 1373 even the prelates were alienated from the crown , or at least from Gaunt and those who carried on the government in the king 's name : the attempt to levy an unprecedented tax of £50,000 in 1371 had aroused great resentment , aggravated in the next year when , in an effort to speed its collection , all the bishops of the southern province had their temporalities seized .
20 So his foot went down two steps , and sure enough down came the wardrobe onto his toe and did n't do any damage and then just bounced to the next step down .
21 Periodic relapse occurred over the next 4 months and I then gave Lyc LM1 .
22 The committee already had prematurely exalted views of its importance , for it deferred to the next meeting the question of how to apply to the King for royal patronage — patronage of an institution which had no actual existence .
23 She went steadily on , from foothold to foothold , only stopping to peel off her glove now and then and push a finger into the wet fringed mouth of a sea-anemone , but mostly she concentrated on the next step , the next handhold , with the sea on one side of her , the swell of grassy land the other .
24 ‘ But we were all so stupidly purist then , which obviously changed over the next couple of years , with Peter writing material like Man Of The World and Albatross .
25 I say nearly because he woke as I stopped at the next petrol station .
26 But all that changed at the next , as the loose horses stopped and swerved broadside to the take-off side of the fence .
27 I do not know how I came through the next few months — but , yes , I do .
28 Nothing further was said either to or by our guests , and they drove off the next day with many felicitations and expressions of gratitude .
29 Starving and tired I prepared for the next day .
30 He did , for what seemed like the next million hours .
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