Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When they first met for real the fierce , cold , autocratic , heroically self-made man 's beady eye and cockily addressed him as ‘ Washy ’ to his face , well , petrification set in , sometimes terminal .
2 Living by himself , he had stopped taking milk : he never got through half a bottle before it went sour , since he drank coffee black and seldom ate cereals .
3 I got through half the book .
4 And she got about half a dozen of the strongest boys from standard one to stand guard at the door .
5 Visuals are very important in terms of information recall I modelled for this a couple of years ago .
6 And is it not ( by its elastic force ) expanded through all the heavens ? ’
7 They just sit there mesmerized for half an hour and then
8 They asked for all the recommendations for a carer , and home support to be implemented .
9 Then I asked for half the fee in advance , and was given a wafer confirming the immediate transfer of the amount to my Fedbank .
10 They came up and fought for half an hour till they was both flat on their backs , on the waste land there .
11 And the fact remains that the People 's Charter not Co-operation , not Owenism , became after 1832 the great cause .
12 ‘ Just a minute , ’ Charles interrupted after half an hour , leaning forward and lowering his voice .
13 But even if the Verulamium defences were post-Hadrianic , it may not have been the same operation which provided for such an in-significant place as Great Casterton .
14 The election was conducted according to an electoral law agreed during the round table talks , which provided for half the 400 Grand National Assembly seats to be elected on a constituency basis and the remainder by proportional representation [ see p. 37380 ] .
15 Did you get the feeling when you moved about that the members felt this that the the organizers of the union was a wee bit adrift ?
16 She actually moved about all the time which was quite frustrating .
17 He had thin ankles , too , and moved for all the world like a wolf .
18 We stopped for half an hour in Reading to wait for a connection . ’
19 In September 1989 the Libyan news agency JANA said that Italy could make up for its " wrongdoing " during the colonial period-particularly the deportation to Italy between 1911 and 1942 of some 5,000 Libyans as forced labour-by speedily paying the compensation demanded by Libya , which regarded as inadequate a settlement of dollars 6,700 million reached in 1956 .
20 let me read those verses again , he says my flock wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill , and my flock was scattered over all the surface of the earth , there was no one to search or seek for them .
21 The then Prime Minister also emphasized the political awakening to the environment in statements such as : ‘ it is possible that with all these enormous changes ( population , agricultural , use of fossil fuels ) concentrated into such a short period of time , we have unwittingly begun a massive experiment with the system of this planet itself ’ ( Thatcher 1988 ) .
22 He was the supreme arbiter of protocol and courtly behaviour , and it was likely that he would be put out , to say the least , by the notion of a Kha-Khan who behaved with such a lack of reserve .
23 He closed his eyes and tried with all the concentration of which he was capable to see with his mind exactly what it was that he had wanted to paint .
24 Enquiries at Camborne rose from 750 a month to 1,100 a month after the new post was filled .
25 Davidoff et al have shown that the Beau Ideal was underpinned by a morality of mutual duty and service , although the benefits and freedom which each participant drew from such an arrangement varied directly according to their position in the hierarchy .
26 The time ranged from half an hour a day to 13 hours a day , depending on whether devolution was viewed as a separate activity concerned only with finance or whether it was seen as being curriculum driven and/or inseparable from all the activities performed by a head in a working day .
27 To contemporary commentators like Fyvel , the only other section of the population who behaved in such a way were the homosexuals ; what he did n't know was that this pursuit of pleasure , and concentration on self , were exactly those traits that would become desirable , and eventually , socially acceptable , with the extraordinary success of Elvis Presley and the Teen age that followed .
28 Here they behaved in such a way as to convince the ASS officers that their lives and those of others were under threat , hence the decision to fire .
29 After such duplicity the shadow Scottish Secretary , Tom Clarke , was ‘ wholly right to tell the SNP we could not work with them while they behaved in such a cynical way . ’
30 After 4,000 perished in 1952 the government introduced the Clean Air Acts , with 2,000 local Clean Air Zones .
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