Example sentences of "[vb past] hold [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He could feel his thoughts beginning to stampede and furiously tried to hold them in check .
2 Tried to hold it to it .
3 The eyes that burned through her seemed to hold her like rivets .
4 And now , despite the fact that he 'd held her in his arms , it needed little imagination to guess that he did n't quite trust her .
5 He kept holding it at me throat and threatening me … . ’
6 We never did persuade them , but for six valuable hours we managed to hold them on that course far out into the Flores Sea , until finally they came to their senses , noticed the distant and almost invisible shore , and hurriedly tacked towards it again .
7 I keep remembering how it felt to hold you in my arms — like this , ’ he murmured as he slid his arms round her .
8 He offered to hold it in Famagusta .
9 He continued to hold her by the arms for a few seconds longer , studying her face .
10 She swallowed and wondered if she should pull her hand away , but as Jake continued to hold it against his cheek , watching her with eyes that suddenly threatened to swallow her , she was aware that all at once her hand had become paralysed .
11 He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it , then continued to hold it against his lips .
12 I used to wonder what on earth people found to talk about for so long , and on the occasion when I was called to a neighbour 's telephone in Baldersdale , I was so uneasy that someone had to hold it to my ear .
13 She heard the murmur of his voice , the whisper of the laughter they 'd shared , experienced again the warmth of his arms which had held her with such tenderness and passion .
14 As for Jessie herself , she had held her in her arms and reassured her that her Robbie would be all right , even though , from the scanty information given her by the nurse , she could n't know for sure if he would be .
15 He had held her in his arms and told her that he loved her , and she had never doubted him .
16 She sat quite still , the little book in her lap and gazed up at the pale candle flame , hardly seeing it , so busy was her inward eye upon the scenes that had held her in thrall for two hours or more .
17 It seemed incredible now that Luke had held her in those heart-rocking moments , that the hands which were now thrust deeply into his pockets had caressed her until she was torn with longing .
18 But she was already locked within the power of his desire , within the focus of that concentrated attention that had held her in thrall before .
19 ‘ I really do n't think that 's necessary , ’ Rory began firmly , remembering the last time he had held her in his arms on the dance floor .
20 The girls ' parents had held her in high regard and they had become firm friends .
21 The results showed that capercaillie had vanished from 12 of the 56 forests which had held them for 20 years , and numbers had declined in nearly all the other forests .
22 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
23 Furthermore , a quarter of the freeholdings were in the hands of completely different families from those which had held them in 1575 .
24 The grandmother who had held him for a family photograph ; the mother Eda , the father Meir , the brothers Chaim , Avram , Aizik and Josef ; the sisters Selma and Esther .
25 It was then contended that because the name , the signature as the judge had held it to be , had been written at the top of the document before the dispositive contents had been written , it could not have been intended ‘ to give effect to ’ the dispositive contents .
26 In the previous May Prince Rupert had captured the town for the Royalists from Colonel Dukinfield , who had held it for the Parliamentarians .
27 He had held it in his arms in the dark and kissed its eyes .
28 ‘ Do you know , Father , it was n't until Whitton was dead that I realised how he had held us in his evil thrall . ’
29 Topaz saw how the sobs shook Honor 's body and wanted to hold her like a child to comfort her .
30 As I caught his eye I realized how much I wanted to hold him in my arms again , and squeeze his rolls of fat .
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