Example sentences of "[vb past] keep [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After the appeal , Duncan McAllister resigned his Army commission while publicity surrounding Christie 's friendship with Anna Moore helped keep her in the public eye .
2 Giles Hawick suddenly looked tired and McLeish felt for him , as he promised to keep him in touch with their investigations .
3 While the other patients crowded outside and Miss Sowerby tried to keep them in order , Alec motioned to the father to carry the boy into the ‘ ops ’ theatre and lay him down on his back on the operating table so that we could make a more detailed examination .
4 Her teaching mostly consisted of falling asleep while we children fought each other , but Mr Wopsle 's young cousin , Biddy , tried to keep us under control and teach us to read , write and count .
5 Billy was a tower of strength in Palace 's two years in the 1st Division , 1979–81 , missing only five of our 84 games there , and then his sturdy and dependable displays helped to keep us from further embarrassment after we had returned to Division Two , so that every Palace fan was sorry to see Billy opt to leave us for Portsmouth in the 1984 close season .
6 ‘ They came to keep us in parley , while you assault us . ’
7 McAllister really did think that she was going to faint this time , not through shock or disgust , but sheer physical exhaustion , except that the will which her family deplored kept her on her feet .
8 They 'd kept him in a kiosk on Brighton front day and night waiting for the Germans to invade .
9 I 'd kept it in the bottom of my bra-and-pants drawer ever since I stole it from Dad .
10 We 'd kept it in cash .
11 The steel furred to keep it from cracking in the cold ,
12 This was long before the De Lorean affair began to cast its long shadow over Chapman 's empire , but the two incidents served to keep me on my toes .
13 The major European states thought Russia intended to dismember the Ottoman Empire , but in fact she sought to keep it in being .
14 Leonora took out sweaters and shirts and underwear , putting them away with a vague feeling of trespass which failed to keep her from peeping into a folding leather picture frame lying at the bottom of the suitcase .
15 I can never be grateful enough to them for the sacrifice they made to keep me at school , when even ten shillings a week would have relieved the pressure on the food bill .
16 My mother took pity on him and agreed to keep him for as long as she could .
17 Tees and District withdrew the 251 and 252 services this weekend , but the local authority agreed to keep them on as socially useful Countybus services .
18 But they decided to keep me under observation until I was safely out of the third month .
19 But in the end the Turkish captain decided to keep me for himself , and took me home with him .
20 I decided to keep them in the count because they gave an interesting sidelight on the history of lending libraries in England with some specific examples , and there were not too many of them .
21 I found nothing else of interest but Bernice turned up a couple of old school exercise books of Billy 's and decided to keep them in remembrance .
22 He was the man who supplied the new bicycles , Raleighs , and he undertook to keep them in repair .
23 In addition no child would be admitted at 11 unless his parents undertook to keep him at school until 18 ( though presumably the schools would have the right to throw out children who proved unsuitable , or who did not do enough work ) .
24 But at least we managed to keep it in the UK , although we had lots of offers to go abroad .
25 The sellers gave the buyers a delivery note to enable them to collect the spirit from X. However , the buyers chose to keep it at X 's and did not come to remove it for some months by which time it had deteriorated .
26 Conservatives voted to keep them at 10p , but were defeated .
27 Some people at school said look how Mother Francis never gives out to Eve , she 's the real pet ; others said the nuns had to keep her for charity and did n't like her as much as they liked the other girls whose families all contributed something to the upkeep of St Mary 's .
28 More traumatic still , James Prior , with the greatest reluctance , was forced to move from Employment to the exile of Northern Ireland , even though Mrs Thatcher had to keep him on the Cabinet 's main economic forum , the E Committee .
29 When your family members went mad these days you had to keep them at home , and whatever the sound policies , on the part of the government , which lay behind this decision , it was undoubtedly inconvenient for those upon whom would fall the burden of caring for the deranged .
30 The use of conventional solders to attach minute granules of gold presented great difficulties to the goldsmith who had to keep them in position during soldering and avoid flooding the delicate work with solder .
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