Example sentences of "[vb past] set up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He tried to set up as a fridge and freezer engineer , but that did n't work .
2 Gascoigne enjoyed good support from Batty , who had another busy game in midfield and rarely allowed the opposition to establish the sort of rhythm they tried to set up at the start , when Boban and Suker tested Woods with low shots after some swift exchanges of passes had succeeded in outmanoeuvring England 's defence .
3 He tried setting up in Geneva and Canada before ending up in San Diego .
4 Ryedale councillors , who recently decided to set up of a customer-care department , have called for a report .
5 Stork was attracted to the idea of headhunting , but less to the idea of working for GKR , so he decided to set up on his own , working at both headhunting and marketing consulting .
6 He had a potter about and a chat and decided to set up in the far corner to our left .
7 This however proved to be the catalyst that Bowran needed to set up on his own .
8 Violette had set up as a paper restorer , an arcane occupation which took precise scientific skill but involved her in outlandish escapades with police and businessmen or lawyers .
9 ‘ It 's terrible that all these quacks can come along without proper qualifications , ’ Lipsky complained , forgetting that he himself had set up as a dentist without qualifications , there being as yet no legal requirement for special training as there was for doctors .
10 Jake , by contrast , quite independently of his father , who had also made his fortune in the building industry , had set up as a building contractor on his own .
11 Her will makes no mention of Minton , but it is likely that her death released the trust which her late husband had set up on behalf of the Minton children and of which John now remained the sole heir .
12 I was n't on the hill that evening but Mrs Goreng sent me to one of the big communal TVs they had set up on poles in the Praça .
13 She knew that , after an initial period of gaining experience with a leading European firm , he had set up on his own .
14 The English girls , as I recall , were still faithfully standing by the camera we had set up for long shots , having been asked to press the button at appropriate moments when we were not in frame .
15 She was profoundly scarred by her father 's suicide in 1976 , and blames the tragedy on the mental stress caused by the Wilson government 's reneging on a fighter bomber deal he had set up with Sweden .
16 A school of masseurs had set up at number 17 and a rival dance director called Sherman Fisher was working from number 18 .
17 Now , in turn , that secondary attack was being eviscerated by French guns that had set up to its right , on a ridge that was the western twin of the Mort Homme , called simply Côte 304 .
18 Landsbergis was referring to a spate of attacks on improvised customs control points which the Lithuanian government had set up along its borders with the rest of the Soviet Union as a demonstration of Lithuania 's determination to act as an independent state .
19 Early in April 1848 the committee which Nicholas had set up under Menshikov reported negatively on the two most popular journals of the day , The Contemporary and Notes of the Fatherland , and recommended the creation of a new body to supervise the activity of the regime 's censors .
20 The disquiet and consternation he had set up among the brothers would go on echoing and re-echoing for some time , while he who had caused it had recoiled into numbness and exhaustion .
21 The success of the factory that Perkin had set up near Harrow encouraged thoughts of a similar enterprise near the Elephant & Castle .
22 By the early part of the 20th century , milling on such a scale had become concentrated in two main mills , the Albert Mills ( which James Reynolds had set up in the Albert Warehouse in 1869 ) and the City Flour Mills , described in 1906 as ‘ large and well equipped , having adopted the roller system at an early date ’ .
23 He had set up in practice on his own about nine years before the competition , and his most important executed work up until then had been the Tudor style Royal Infirmary at Dundee ( 1852–5 ) , which he had won in competition .
24 By 3 February 1722 , when he registered his first maker 's marks at Goldsmiths ' Hall , he had set up in Threadneedle Street , a move made possible by his marriage on 9 January 1722 to Alder , wealthy daughter of Samuel Phelpes , gentleman merchant , and Mary Aldworth , descendant of merchant princes linked with the East India Company and the Society of Merchant Adventurers of Bristol .
25 One morning , for instance , after monitoring radio traffic all night in the NARCOG listening post he had set up in his back bedroom , Coleman reluctantly opened his apartment door to a caller who introduced himself as David Mills , a British photographer for Newsweek .
26 When Goethe , in a scene of Faust I written in Rome , evokes the travail of modern man and shows it being assuaged by the contemplation of the " silver figures of the ancient world " ( der Vorwelt silberne Gestalten ) these shapes are the ideal models of Greek man which Winckelmann had set up in his historico-aesthetic studies ; and when , in his " classical " drama Iphigenia in Tauris , Goethe 's fervent heroine is eventually victorious and the play resolves itself into a serene and harmonious close , it is the spirit of Winckelmann that triumphs .
27 Servants came , and wrapped them in soft new sheets together , and carried them to the bed which they had set up in the white room .
28 ‘ I hope you remembered to bring a tin-opener , ’ said Sophia , in confusion , for the idea of taking food to the deprived Roman cats had set up in her head a muddled train of thought , which had something to do with Anglo- and Roman Catholicism , as if the latter had need of nourishment from the former .
29 Although Stockholm was the base for spies of every warring nation , the Scandinavian connection that Foley had talked about was run by Norway , whose government-in-exile had set up in the neutral city .
30 Headed by Iqbal Riza , a Pakistani UN political officer , and Philippe Texier , a French senior appellate court judge , this was the first mission of its type the UN had set up inside a member country [ see p. 38187 ] .
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