Example sentences of "[vb past] bring [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Many of the changes that helped to bring about in the 1970s a new , more fragmented and more intractable congress would have happened irrespective of the misdemeanours of the Nixon administration .
2 As she was pressed back on to the couch her mind raced madly in protest , but all she managed to bring out in a kind of croak was , ‘ No , Daddy , no . ’
3 And not only for the pleasure of running her own thriving business , but for the more fundamental change it had brought about in her .
4 Distribution services department gained a Gold Award for the improvements which it had brought about in road haulier performance .
5 Three years before this , Yale University Press had brought out in a very handsome volume called Make It New seven essays representing Pound 's criticism at its most scholarly , on such recondite topics as Cavalcanti , and Elizabethan Classicists , and early translations of Homer .
6 North Africa had brought out in him something of the stern Roman .
7 What ambivalence that man had brought out in me …
8 It was he whom Matthew had brought down in a flying tackle .
9 Erm the other one , that I wanted to bring up in this , the reason I suppose , the second one to remember , is the idea of satire .
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