Example sentences of "[vb past] tell the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She never stopped telling the story- and believe me , when my Grandma Gertie liked a story , she aired it often — of the weird goings-on in the place in Cable Street , and how she was sure the bedroom was haunted .
2 She told Spruce more or less what she 'd told the Archdeacon of her contact with Mrs Marr in London at St Sylvester 's Betterhouse mentioning Racy without revealing that he 'd phoned her on Sunday .
3 What would have happened , she wondered , if she 'd told the woman the truth , that it just might be the end of the world , that she could n't keep going through the days this way , plodding from home to work and back again , with nothing to devote her energies to , nothing to occupy her thoughts — except Nicolo , and how much she despised him ?
4 It would be useful if the Prime Minister intervened to tell the House precisely what formula he had in mind for the limitation of fiscal deficits .
5 Sam flunked telling the team immediately , although he told Nutty .
6 But someone forgot to tell the computer .
7 But they set off in April — and forgot to tell the town hall .
8 The victim of a sexual assault threatened to tell the town of the crime unless she was paid money .
9 Alice began to tell the Cat all about the game .
10 1891 began to tell the tale .
11 ‘ He loved telling the story .
12 Stella however , survived to tell the tale and is now taking swimming lessons in
13 Inevitably many book sand much schoolwork was destroyed by the fire but there is at least some good news … the Holy Tinity pet gerbils were rescued and survived to tell the tale .
14 It happened to quality assistant Liz Stephens , who works at Courtaulds Electrical Insulation in Runcorn , UK , but happily she survived to tell the tale .
15 But I was almost glad when Mr Robinson decided to tell the company at large of his Italian journeyings with Wordsworth , who desired to be back at home with every step they made , and could only with the utmost difficulty be persuaded to look about him .
16 Mr Hayden , after further thoughts about the matter , decided to tell the station master , Mr A. Jones , about the occurrence , seeking his advice as to the right measures to adopt in these strange circumstances .
17 He decided to tell the story of William Black to the Down Presbytery which met monthly and consisted of the Presbyterian ministers of a substantial section of County Down together with one lay elder from each congregation .
18 Christine , 52 , decided to tell the world of her own experiences about two years ago , as much for therapeutic reasons as through a desire to reach those with similar horror stories to tell .
19 Unlike the minister , he finally decided to tell the truth .
20 I had to go back to the room , as if I needed to tell the place where I lived of my feeling .
21 Stop Hinkley Expansion in fact succeeded in flying over Professor Kemp Houck , a member of the Mid-America Coalition for Energy Alternatives , who proceeded to tell the hearing about his unusual welcome at Heathrow Airport .
22 And , whereas Charles had left it at that , Michael Banks 's understudy proceeded to tell the author just how much of a massacre the star was making of his play .
23 He always felt much better after , but he never dared tell the dream to his wife .
24 If a breakdown does occur , we rush to our files to extract the relevant memo which shows that we did tell the boss what was happening — that is , we cover ourselves .
25 Mr Toubon was one of the few Right-Wing politicians not to criticise the pyjama-striped columns of Daniel Buren erected in the Palais Royal by Mr Lang — but he did tell the artist they were not his favourite work .
26 Finally , Yggdrasil bothered to tell the Gunmint .
27 Walter Legge liked to tell the story — I think as an example of both your musicianship and your tactical skills — that at the graduation class in Vienna you chose the Overture to Rossini 's Guillaume Tell and then sent everyone away except the cellos so you could show exactly what you could do with them in the opening bars of the piece .
28 He only saw Emily Groundwater once again in his life , and that was at a soirée at the Heathertons ' , to which he was invited because the Professor had told the chaplain of Paul 's impending journey to Oxford .
29 Whether Luther really referred to Copernicus as a fool has been doubted , but in an off-the-cuff dismissal he remembered that Joshua had told the sun , not the earth , to stand still .
30 ‘ The gardeners had told the king that he could n't have pigs and flowers , because pigs eat flowers .
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