Example sentences of "[vb past] at him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Grauniad reckoned Vinny seemed totally confounded by the affection radiated at him by Elland Road and this had an effect on the game !
2 I lay down on him and beat at him with my fists .
3 She beat at him with her fists , striking him in the face , making him jerk back his head .
4 She stood to slip the dress down over her hips , and pouted at him in her petticoat .
5 When the boy rose at him on foot , none too steadily but with grim gallantry , and dripping blood from the finger-ends of his mail gauntlet , Owen vaulted promptly out of the saddle to match him , and waved off his companions , who would have borne the young man down by sheer weight .
6 She yowled at him in complaint .
7 Ma peered at him over the top of the evening paper , Her eyes were shifty with guilt .
8 Then she peered at him over the barrier of her firmly folded arms and expressed a thought that had occurred to her before , but that now she felt impress itself on her even more strongly .
9 Benson peered at him through his pipe smoke .
10 She peered at him through the semi-darkness .
11 The young woman peered at him from under the brim of her ancient straw hat .
12 A familiar but still timid stray cat peered at him from beneath a blackcurrant bush and howled piteously .
13 Down and down the weight dragged him , to where strange fish swam past and gaped at him with milky , quivering eyes .
14 She gaped at him in blank astonishment , then frowned .
15 Kypov shouted at him across the few metres that separated them , and the breath spouted white from the Major 's mouth .
16 She had hit him and fed him , shouted at him for being idle and comforted him when he woke in the night and was afraid .
17 From ‘ African History for Beginners ’ we learn that Cain was the first white man ; he turned pale , and his features shrivelled up , when God shouted at him for killing Abel .
18 The helmeted figure shouted at him through a face mask .
19 His father shouted at him over the noise of the engine , ‘ I want you to see , Alexei .
20 Except on that one occasion when she lost her temper and shouted at him like a fishwife in front of her husband .
21 Saunders was arrested later and told police he ‘ legged it ’ after someone shouted at him from a car .
22 The bear roared at him with fury , its black muzzle and huge jaws covered in a thick white froth .
23 You could 've fooled me , ’ she lashed at him on a half-sob , her arms crossing her chest while her hands made an effort to massage the shoulder soreness caused by his gripping fingers .
24 The boy seemed in pain , his lips drawn back from his teeth in what was almost a snarl , his whole body hunched into itself , as if something ate at him from within .
25 There was a pause , than a woman 's reddened , raddled face squinted at him over the sill .
26 If they both came at him at once , from opposite sides , how would he deal with them ?
27 Wherever he walked , spring came at him with a rush , overwhelming him with sensation .
28 He said she invited him to her flat , and then came at HIM with a knife .
29 An explosive snort came at him from the centre of the room behind him .
30 And we all nodded at him : the man of finance , the man of accounts , the man of law , we all nodded at him over the polished table that like a still sheet of brown water reflected our faces , lined , wrinkled ; our faces marked by toil , by deceptions , by success , by love ; our weary eyes looking still , looking always , looking anxiously for something out of life , that while it is expected is already gone — has passed unseen , in a sigh , in a flash — together with the youth , with the strength , with the romance of illusions .
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