Example sentences of "[vb past] on one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were no houses in sight : the wooded mountain rose on one side of the old railway track and fell steeply away on the other .
2 Ethel knelt on one knee while Sid stuck his banderillas in her .
3 Next he jumped in the air with his feet together and his knees bent , then he knelt on one knee while she leapt into the air .
4 She knew she did not have the strength to throw her voice through the stillness so she knelt on one knee .
5 We stopped on one side of the narrow road .
6 They bought white cotton sheets with lace borders and matching pillow-cases , blue towels with white alamandas appliquéd on one corner , a collection of decorative shells for Elaine 's bathroom , and an assortment of locally made wicker baskets .
7 Ecstatic , the boy tried on one mask after another , roaring like a lion or mewing like a cat .
8 It crashed on one side of a thick hedge .
9 He did an ever expanding trade in cars and trucks under his big red neon sign , which proclaimed on one side FRIZZELL 'S GARAGE — YOU CAN TRUST MAXIE , and on the other FRIZZELL 'S GARAGE — I GREW WITH ALBERTA .
10 Sarah said sarcastically , but he dropped on one knee and put his hand on his heart .
11 Note that the Middlesex Crown Court case of Langham v Crisp [ 1975 ] Crim LR 652 where a motorist parked on one side of the road and an obstruction was caused by the subsequent parking of cars opposite .
12 Yelling a warning , which would have been far too late anyway , she watched in astonishment as Leo pivoted on one foot , and with a movement too fast for her to follow pinned Ryan up against the wall by his throat .
13 Creed stared out of the window , his chin cushioned on one hand , his eyes doubly concealed , first by the tinted windows of the car , then by his sunglasses .
14 Face turned on one arm , she risked a glance along the muscular length of the body stretched a couple of feet away from her , the briefest black trunks accentuating the dusky , even tan of his skin .
15 For example , we would expect to find cells that give an excitatory response to long wavelength light shone on one part of the retina and an inhibitory response to long wavelength light shone on to an adjacent part .
16 He climbed on one side of the desks , stood on tiptoe , and , forcing up the skylight , eased his head through into the icy December wind .
17 The statement was extremely thin , but it touched on one matter of importance — the fact that some employers spend money on training but others do not : they poach .
18 Until yesterday , these would have seen Barnes deployed on one flank with Rocastle 's defensive awareness earning him a ninth cap at Waddle 's expense on the other .
19 As a result , we would no longer be able to use the concepts of material things in the way we normally use them and the question whether something observed on one occasion is identical with something else observed on a different occasion would not even arise .
20 In any case , the reasons for regarding the idea of numerical identity and that of numerical diversity as significant are not such as might enable us to decide unequivocally whether something observed on one occasion is numerically the same as something else observed on a different occasion , or how many ontological objects are involved in a given case .
21 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
22 Everyone to Oxfam , Christ the total income of Oxfam , Christian Aid , Save the Children , CAFOD , was the same as what we spent on one product .
23 It was Geoffrey Howe , I am told , who knocked on one door while canvassing at a by-election in Epping , to be greeted by a tiny , wrinkled old lady rushing at him with arms outstretched : ‘ Oh Geoffrey at last I 've met you , my fluffy , cuddly little teddy bear ! ’
24 When a constable knocked on one door , at the extreme end of the street , he heard the distant yapping of a dog , but no one came to the door .
25 Electroluminescent backlighting , lasting 10 hours between charges , gives a clear display even in total darkness , as I discovered on one dive to 36 metres .
26 Then there were the unwritten rules : girls travelling by train were not to travel in carriages with boys , and walking to school in the mornings , boys walked on one side of the road , girls on the other .
27 I drew a peg in the bend which I had drawn some years before and knew there were a few fish there and decided on one rig only — the pole .
28 During the flying , Bob 's wife , Marie , flew on one sortie as observer .
29 The next top up was n't so good as it only worked on one side and all the pain was concentrated in one place .
30 Eventually she settled on one property at the junction of the Lambeth and Kennington roads , where she built ‘ model dwellings for working folk ’ and maintained an office , home , and headquarters until her death thirty years later , never marrying but working constantly with her sisters Ellen and Eliza on local improvement schemes .
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