Example sentences of "[vb past] with more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She added with more assurance that Beuno would also soon return from his walk to the waterfall , and then wondered aloud where the Molesworths were , because in a minute they would be late .
2 Catching Lucy 's expression , she added with more emphasis , ‘ Really , I will . ’
3 Then , as though unable to keep her thoughts to herself , she added with more force , ‘ I must say you 've changed during the last three years . ’
4 ‘ Come to think of it , ’ she added with more interest , ‘ what do they use them for ?
5 At the last minute , stir in a few coriander leaves , and serve on a large platter , garnished with more coriander leaves .
6 Well , so long as no one tells Phena , everything should be all right , should n't it ? ’ she asked with more hope than expectation .
7 ‘ That guy back there was n't human , ’ I observed with more perspicacity than a panty-girdle pedlar at a Tupperware party .
8 Jenny laughed with more enthusiasm than the witticism merited .
9 These were considered old-fashioned terms in a morally rudderless society , Trent thought with more sadness than bitterness .
10 Tributers , who raised the actual ore , came and went with more freedom .
11 He scrambled over the wall and fell with more haste than skill into the enclosed , sun-warmed garden below .
12 ‘ You really mean that ? ’ she demanded with more force than necessary .
13 She looked with more interest at Nails .
14 Alongside his Chancellor , Callaghan emerged with more credibility in the international arena , especially through his pact with the West German Chancellor , Helmut Schmidt , and the partial decline in the reputation of the French President , Giscard d'Estaing .
15 ‘ A great deal , ’ Hari spoke with more confidence than she felt , indeed , she was trembling inside and she could only hope her nervousness did n't show .
16 ‘ Homework , ’ Herr Nordern said with more sympathy than he would normally have allowed himself .
17 ‘ Hi , Gran , ’ he said with more enthusiasm , went across to her and embraced her with a bearlike hug .
18 ‘ Poor boy , ’ he said with more tenderness than Julia had heard from him since the crisis of her illness .
19 ‘ I would have managed , ’ she said with more conviction than she felt .
20 ‘ I seem to recall you telling me you took no pleasure in a woman 's coldness , ’ she said with more assurance than she felt .
21 ‘ A very kind man and always good to me , ’ she said with more emphasis .
22 ‘ You 've wasted your time , Roman , ’ he said with more resolution than Claudia would have believed possible .
23 ‘ Right , ’ Emily said with more confidence than she felt , ‘ please send Letty in with a tray of tea , I 'm quite thirsty . ’
24 ’ That 's all right , then , ’ I said with more confidence than I felt .
25 ‘ I do n't believe you , Luke , ’ she said with more confidence than she felt .
26 Some , Allen guessed , had been several weeks unused ; others , not since the winter rains ; of one of them he said with more certainty that it had been used recently , perhaps yesterday .
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