Example sentences of "[vb past] not [noun] but " in BNC.

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1 When he emerged the next morning he found not uncertainty but widespread consternation .
2 For in practice there was little validity in the distinction : the nationalist pursued not culture but power , and above all the power of the State , which , once won , it was thought , would then protect a national culture .
3 Fur the modernists , on the other hand , history seemed not progress but nightmare , and the clock itself a threat .
4 She hated her maths teacher anyway , and that dislike was fuelled by Phoebe 's frequently repeated conviction that the woman was a moron and taught not mathematics but ‘ sums ’ , a subject apparently lower on Phoebe 's scale of values than home economics and office skills :
5 I saw that despite his good looks Syl was a little too short and a little too fat , that when he went about his garden stripped to bathing trunks he aroused not desire but embarrassment .
6 to the will of the people than participatory democracy or Russo All the individuals do is elect their governors , so this is the idea that Russo called not democracy but that to of aristocracy .
7 I looked for bubbles rising , hoping to find him that way , and saw not bubbles but a red stain in the water a short way off , a swirl of colour against drab .
8 Out of the window he saw not Barry but Barry 's dog .
9 She rose and hurried to the door and opening it saw not Craig but the small figure of Will Davies crouching in the street .
10 But one important discovery was made at Puerto San Julián : these southern plains were inhabited by enormous nomadic shepherds ( though they herded not sheep but the little wild llamas known as guanacos , and they dressed in their skins ) .
11 Mr Pumblechook dared not protest but he whispered angrily to me before he turned away , ‘ Boy !
12 Novice parachutists who blocked out fear completely up to the moment of the jump were often overcome with an overwhelming and incapacitating anxiety such that they not only did not jump but decided to give up jumping forever .
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