Example sentences of "[vb past] he with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ranulf came in with a series of plaintive questions but Corbett dismissed him with a look .
2 The man held up a hand to silence Barak then turned to the guard beside him and dismissed him with a curt nod of the head .
3 Jotan took a cup out of the page 's hands , then dismissed him with a flick of his head .
4 Santerre was about to protest but Mandeville dismissed him with a curt move of his gloved hand .
5 Her betrothed leapt back to his feet , his hand going to the knife at his belt , but Cranston just dismissed him with a contemptuous flicker of his eyes .
6 These replies were highly satisfactory to the King , who summoned Baldwin to the Palace at 3.15 p.m. and charged him with the task of forming a Government .
7 The applicant sought judicial review of the decison of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 26 June 1991 , in the course of criminal proceedings against the applicant , to seek to enforce his compliance with the requirement contained in a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to attend at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information in respect of her investigation of the applicant alone , afer she had caused him to be interviewed under caution on three occasions and thereafter charged him with an offence , at a time when and in circumstances whereby ( a ) the applicant 's application for legal aid had not yet been granted and he had neither legal advice nor legal representation available to him ; ( b ) the Director had stated that she would not cause the applicant to be further cautioned in compliance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 of the current Codes of Practice issued pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
8 Increasingly during the next fifteen years the triangle formed by Swansea , Pontardulais , and Ammanford — with the fr owning eminence of Carreg Cennen Castle in the distance — provided him with a retreat and a source of healing as he faltered towards his final realization as a poet .
9 Grant 's responsibilities at John Dickinson provided him with a wide knowledge of the paper manufacturing processes used throughout the world and the way in which they were being improved .
10 Served up as B fodder , at least it provided him with a salary , albeit on rock-bottom union rates of around $300 for a full working week , which assured him a place barely above the poverty line .
11 This is a role which provided him with a great deal of satisfaction .
12 His main theme was the increasing power of Rome in the Mediterranean and this , as Momigliano points out , Provided him with a new historical perspective : ‘ Just because Fortune made almost all the affairs of the world incline in one direction , it is the historian 's task to put before his readers a compendious view of the ways in which Fortune accomplished her purposes . ’
13 This not only kept the suit in good condition and therefore prolonged its life but also provided him with a smart outfit always ready at short notice , as now .
14 She no longer provided him with a defence against his own yearning for safety which had been so well hidden behind his off-hand behaviour .
15 His old friends the overseers did him proud to the very last : in their generosity they provided him with a 14s. funeral .
16 Birmingham born , Graham Tiso left school to work for Cadbury 's , the confectioners , who provided him with a sound overall business training .
17 The King , having word of this in advance , provided him with a signet ring which he showed and which entitled the matter to be transferred to the King 's presence , where the accusers were roundly rebuked .
18 With scrupulous fairness Hall also reproduces in an appendix a report by Karin Figala of Munich , who provided him with a summary of her own research on Newton 's alchemical studies .
19 This was particularly the case where the occupational community provided him with a rural counter-culture that enabled class antagonisms to be sustained , albeit in a hidden form .
20 Consequently , rather than viewing the totalitarian structure of the PCF as a source of oppression , it is more productive to view it as the chosen institution within which Nizan found not only political asylum but also emotional and moral equilibrium , a refuge in short which provided him with a necessary disciplined working environment .
21 However , while reading for the bar , his health broke down and , following a period of recuperation in Italy and without formal art training , he took up painting and an art patron , Sir Coutts Lindsay , provided him with a studio in London .
22 To flesh out the story , the DIA provided him with a German mailing address , Postfach 1151 , Geilhausen 6460 , from which all correspondence , including anything from the DIA , would be readdressed to Coleman 's maildrop in Barrington , Illinois .
23 Apart from helping with his wardrobe , LASMO also covered the costs of his tuition , accommodation and books , and provided him with a living allowance .
24 The acceptance of the idea provided him with a curious salve for his guilt .
25 A second group of provincial delegates arrived in St Petersburg just after his appointment and provided him with a sympathetic audience for his opinions .
26 When I saw my friend Bob Hope in some comedy or other at the age of six I provided him with an imaginary wife , who was called ‘ Nothing ’ .
27 Gassendi 's suspicion of the Aristotelian account is evident from his Exercises , and his study of Epicurean philosophy provided him with an alternative .
28 The plebiscitary acclamation which could always be mobilized by Hitler provided him with an unassailable base of popularity , and as such offered the regime legitimation both within Germany and in the eyes of foreign powers , allowing the scope for further mobilization and a gathering momentum of Nazi policy .
29 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
30 It alone provided him with an ideal of peace .
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