Example sentences of "[vb past] he into a " in BNC.

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1 The self-inflicted pain goaded him into a furious spasm , but as he strained and thrashed against the wicker walls in the darkness all he achieved was the sense that the basket had not yielded a millimetre .
2 She thought again of the clever pastry-cook who baked her man to her liking , and of La Carmellina , who lost her true love when he climbed a cherry tree into the clouds and found himself in the lair of the sorceress Zenaida — Zenaida , who had been robbed of sleep by the curse of another fairy , and had stolen Carmellina 's love away and changed him into a songbird .
3 His bedclothes were changed and a nurse helped him into a theatre gown .
4 They bundled him into a car and drove him to a car park at the rear of Dysart Police Headquarters and afterwards to an isolated road .
5 They bundled him into a van , tied him up and threatened to douse him in petrol and set him on fire .
6 Still , the pain of the bite , like white-hot tongs , drove him into a new fury ; battering fists , to again fell Anton .
7 I booked him into a clinic , the finest .
8 This turned him into a hero of the silent majority .
9 Valerie looked cautiously round , then , lowering her voice , said : ‘ Weeks ago our little kitten ran into the wood , and she caught him and turned him into a witch 's cat . ’
10 But whisky turned him into a savage bully .
11 As a result her handsome husband shrank into a shrivelled old man until he was so deformed the gods took pity on him and turned him into a cicada — one of the first creatures to excitedly greet the dawn on a warm summer 's day .
12 Harry was enjoying himself : he had been drinking , and was in that pleasant state of semi-inebriation that softened his tongue and turned him into a quite amiable human being .
13 One , apprenticed to a shoe maker , recalled not a cruel master but a mistress who turned him into a household drudge .
14 When the Tory-dominated House of Commons predictably decided in favour of the two Tories , " the Mobile " celebrated the news by carrying an effigy of one of the Whig candidates " round the Towne , shouting and huzzaing , and at last threw him into a Bonefire , and burnt him as a Martyr to the dying Whigg Cause " .
15 An elderly office boy wordlessly showed him into a narrow , bumf-heaped office that contained , with difficulty , seven people .
16 Hyman hustled him into a car and , having come prepared with a flask , poured coffee into him as they drove to the studio .
17 So she popped him into a plastic box , wrapped it in brown paper and posted it .
18 He opened the door by his desk , and they followed him into a large room filled with dark , solid furniture .
19 I followed him into a small room beside the kitchen .
20 She followed him into a tiny , brightly lit room that was suffused with the most delectable scents of cooking .
21 I followed him into a small room .
22 He rose and staggered out and we followed him into a stinking alleyway a short distance from the tavern .
23 Still a little numb from shock , Juliet followed him into a huge hall , all gilt objects , velvet hangings , mirrors and oil-paintings .
24 Scowling at his broad , white-sweatered back , she followed him into a room as neat and orderly as an operating theatre .
25 ‘ You 're in here , ’ Ven remarked , taking up her case and heading for the door on the left of the French windows — and as she followed him into a pleasant bedroom , ‘ With luck , by the time you 've unpacked , the waiter will be here with some tea . ’
26 The sudden scalding pain , unexpected and acute , thrust him into a vortex of uncontrollable rage .
27 While Roy Archer snoozed , workmen tipped him into a 60ft bin with tons of waste from a Wolverhampton market .
28 In the city one morning , as he turned the corner of the street into the shade of the acacias on the main boulevard , a woman ran out and plucked him by the sleeve , pulled him into a doorway and snatched his hand to kiss it .
29 The bearer pulled him into a passage so thin that even the narrowest of stalls could not wedge itself in .
30 He said he had bumped into Shildon on Monday evening and urged him into a pub , taking the opportunity to make up the quarrel begun on Friday .
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