Example sentences of "[vb past] he from a " in BNC.

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1 Bantam moved him from a Christmas slot to this summer place last year in an attempt to increase his sales , but this summer the horror leads appear more plentiful , making it a tougher market .
2 And Meg told the watching millions that her mum hammered on his door and woke him from a nap during a break in filming .
3 If Charlie had been a different man , a cultivated man or effeminate or living in a bygone age when tongues were more freely unloosed , he might now have embraced Jack and told him from a full heart how he entered wholly into his joy and would die for his happiness .
4 ‘ Unless someone dropped him from a helicopter , ’ he said .
5 The burning midday sun roused him from a feverish sleep .
6 Francie paid him from a thick but grimy roll of notes .
7 I used to watch him sleep , wondering what bloody crimes lay in his past , and knowing that I alone protected him from a horrible death .
8 I ordered him from a kennel in Norfolk , arranging a price and delivery by train .
9 A voice hailed him from a grille above the door .
10 ‘ We inherited him from a friend of my mother .
11 ‘ We inherited him from a friend of my mother .
12 His small son , age five , was hanging from a steel bar eight or ten feet above the ground while William 's , a year older , taunted him from a greater height and threatened to tread on his fingers to make him drop .
13 He saved him from a mob .
14 We went to school together , I saved him from a beating and he rescued me from a hanging , twice ; once in Ipswich and then again at Montfaucon , that great forest of gibbets which stands near the Porte St Denis in Paris .
15 Someone saved him from a blade he had not seen , and he killed the man who wielded it and began to fight his way back the way he had come , towards Siward , still calling orders .
16 Ferguson , for his part , can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup-tie verified the youngster 's ability to put an awkward pre-match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was on the mend .
17 It was this same Spirit that drove Jesus off into the desert to be tempted after his baptism , that pioneered the mission of the early Church often in the most bizarre , unexpected and ‘ unorthodox ’ ways ; that gripped a man like Philip , removed him from a flourishing evangelistic campaign in Samaria and drove him into the desert because there was one man who needed his help .
18 While it freed him from a form of dependency — his succession to the LDP leadership had been achieved with the faction 's support — it also meant that the future of his premiership would depend on the skill with which he was able to balance the party 's competing factions — including his own — all of which were of roughly equal strength .
19 TENNIS champion Boris Becker has revealed that his girlfriend Barbara Feltus rescued him from a ‘ life crisis ’ caused by becoming a teenage millionaire overnight .
20 More a bland statement of fact from a man whose decision to return to horse racing two years ago rescued him from a life of increasingly worrying seclusion following his term in prison for tax evasion .
21 This was a quite remarkable transformation in a man who only two years before had talked of dying : neither fame nor literary achievement had brought him any contentment , and in the end it was human love , the love that he had dismissed in his writings as the consolation only of ordinary men , that rescued him from a lifetime of misery and isolation .
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