Example sentences of "[vb past] not know each " in BNC.

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1 We did not know each other .
2 When Ross and Minton set off in August 1947 , stopping first in Paris where they obtained a passage to Ajaccio from the French Minister of Culture , Louis Joxe , they did not know each other well .
3 Lord Taylor said that Kennedy and Mr Quinn , who did not know each other , were arrested separately for drunkenness and were in a cell known as the tank when the fatal injuries were inflicted .
4 The three accused did not know each other until they struck up their electronic relationship .
5 At first I had visions of an OK Corral shoot-out at High Noon between dozens of different security forces who did n't know each other , but in fact we worked it out and there were no serious problems .
6 I got the impression that they did n't know each other all that well , that the marriage was fairly recent . ’
7 They did n't know each other very well , Defries guessed .
8 It should have brought us closer together , but instead it was like we did n't know each other any more , as if we were complete strangers .
9 It was an odd situation , since we did n't know each other well enough to be suddenly on such bad terms .
10 The Maiden girls did n't know each other before the race but by the end many were firm friends .
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