Example sentences of "[vb past] it the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 In a follow-up survey , the great majority rated it the best AIDS resource they had seen .
2 I found it the greatest fun .
3 Occasionally he found it the tiniest glint of deep blue .
4 The book was praised by Goethe and by Sir Walter Scott , who called it the finest book ever written .
5 When Scrooge was premiered in Birmingham last year Gloria Honeyford called it the hottest selling ticket outside of London .
6 Burton always thought it the finest thing he ever did .
7 ‘ Would ye , ’ Rab asked ; he thought it the daftest question , ‘ if somebody tells ye they could fly ye on a kite ?
8 Looking at it , Jess thought it the grandest place she 'd ever seen .
9 For her it became a cloying and pallid countryside , tamed and weakened by man 's attempts to prettify nature but , in 1947 , she thought it the pleasantest spot in the world and she was delighted to be there .
10 Seeing that ruling railroaded through made it the saddest day of my life .
11 The German army itself was in theory a composite force of Prussian , Saxon , Bavarian and Württemberger troops ; this diversity meant little more than differences of name and uniform , for the Prussian staff controlled the whole apparatus as a unified system and made it the best army in the world .
12 IN THE beginning there was John Mortimer QC , waxing lyrical about the great ideals of the 1945 Labour government and judging that its commitment to the welfare state and social equality made it the greatest this century .
13 The impressive hardware , the ( rather primitive ) motion-control techniques , and the startling light effects made it the biggest single breakthrough .
14 She liked it the best of all her books .
15 So as soon as it began to move back , I gave it the biggest push I could manage .
16 For me , it was sufficient satisfaction that Eliot had approved my essay ; that he considered it the best thing I had done ; and that I had been one of the few to express opinions which had his total concurrence .
17 as a human ancestor , even though most palaeontologists , prior to the molecular observations , considered it the earliest hominid .
18 In the south level 37,000 acres went under water , and the chief engineer of the Great Ouse catchment board considered it the worst fen flood since the time of Vermuyden .
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