Example sentences of "[vb past] in [art] house " in BNC.

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1 Three girls and two boys from Germany helped in the house and the office and another boy worked in the garden .
2 Within twenty-four hours of the publication of the Report , Boyle rose in the House of Commons to announce that its recommendations on the scale of necessary expansion were accepted by the Government , that funds were being made available to cover the next ten years , including £650,000,000 for capital expenditure on building by universities .
3 Eventually in 1858 Earl Stanhope moved in the House of Lords that the Queen should be petitioned by Parliament to remove from the Prayer Book the services which commemorated not only the death of Charles I but also the accession of Charles II in 1660 , the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 , and the landing of William of Orange in 1688 .
4 When he moved in the house had five bedrooms , so he decided to convert one on the first floor into an en suite bathroom .
5 I had never known that world and I wondered how Olga felt , consigning me to it while she luxuriated in the house .
6 For eating purposes Orkney Cheddar is pretty soapy and bears no resemblance whatever to a cheese actually brought from the Orkneys which I once tasted in the house of Edinburgh friends of mine .
7 Mr Boyd had escaped to France after the ‘ 45 , had married a French wife , who now lived with him in Aberdeen , and he tried his best to cure the local people using the knowledge he had gained from some medical text-books he found in a house on the island of Arran while on the run .
8 As she was kneeling to get some tools out of a cupboard he struck her on the head with a hammer , apparently on the impulse of the moment , and then stole a wallet which he found in the house .
9 Up to three grenades exploded in the House of Representatives on July 10 , two hours before a memorial service for opposition leader Marc Atti Depe , who had been killed during the attack on Olympio .
10 The first overt expression of this came in a House of Commons speech on 16 February , replying to a Labour amendment in the debate on the Address .
11 In his horror at what happened in the House of Commons , he started to speak in favour of the motion .
12 As I stated in the house during the debate on the seventh of er July , the plant commission established by the Labour party to look into electoral systems proposed as one of its many recommendations , a system of proportional representation , the regional list system for the European parliament .
13 On May 9 Labour leader Neil Kinnock claimed in the House of Commons that the reforms meant that the clinical needs of patients were coming second to commercial considerations .
14 Documentation was passed on to the Director of Public Prosecutions but Prime minister John Major indicated in the House of Commons on May 19 that the government would take no further action , while the US Defence Department stated on May 19 that it considered the case closed .
15 The bland self-satisfaction of the shipowners and their refusal to accept the need for reforms of any kind had been familiar enough to Samuel Plimsoll and other friends of the merchant seamen and exposed in the House of Commons for upwards of half a century .
16 The Minister may recall that it is almost a year since I first raised in the House the matter of the proposed incinerator in Renfrew .
17 But I have never had this opinion of Edward Wood challenged in the House of Commons .
18 Having congratulated Cabinet members on their return , Major yesterday baffled the gathering by noting that the new Attorney General , Sir Nicholas Lyell , lived in a house that was once occupied by the former Kent cricketer Alfred Mynn .
19 For days , the Abu Khadras lived in a house in Gaza under nightly air attack .
20 We lived in a house at the end of an eighteenth-century mews , and my son Simon was born in November 1959 , within a few months of our moving to Windsor .
21 Handel wrote the Messiah in London , where he lived in a house close to present-day King 's Cross Station , five years after suffering a severe stroke , and it received its first performance in Dublin in 1742 .
22 When we first fished Sweethope in 1973 , it was owned by Vaux Breweries , Sunderland , and managed by a retired naval officer who lived in a house by the side of the lough .
23 Four of these infants are buried in Mauchline churchyard , where Burns and Jean lived in a house in Castle Street , now a museum .
24 Sewell lived in a house in College , and it is pleasing to note that in 1807 , £50 was set aside by the College for furnishing two ground floor rooms in his house , and for applying oil paint to floor , architrave , dado and skirting , in white , and to the walls in a light French gray .
25 Tom Brown , the hero of the Battle of Dettingen , and a contemporary of Cook , lived in a house in the High Street and is buried in the churchyard .
26 Killum or Killom means ‘ at the springs ’ and in a chalky area the presence of surface water is a boon , unless you lived in a house which flooded every time the springs rose .
27 He followed his father 's profession as a whitesmith , locksmith , bell hanger and general ironmonger and lived in a house in Broad Street where he fiddled the local gas company by bypassing the meter using a section of old piping .
28 The culture of the features used was overwhelmingly middle class and European : the cookery columns , for example , assumed the reader lived in a house with a gas or electric oven .
29 They lived in a house in the Terrace , and eventually my father was sent to Ampleforth in Yorkshire , a Benedictine monastery which also ran a boarding school .
30 But here too there is a danger of distortion : occupants who were very poor but lived in a house with masonry foundations , surrounded by heaps of discarded food debris , and who used poor quality pottery ( fragments of which would survive ) might well appear to have had better living conditions than the richer occupants of a site who lived in a large timber-built house , using high-quality wooden and leather vessels ( which would not usually survive ) , and were able to employ servants to remove debris from the immediate vicinity of the house .
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