Example sentences of "[vb past] in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Her heart beat in a way she had not been conscious of it beating for many a month and she felt near to tears .
2 She moved in a way that seemed to emphasize the body beneath the clothes , to hint at the purposes to which it might be put .
3 Short-skirted and heavily made-up , she smoked and drank and behaved in a way that outraged many of the older generation .
4 Some at least of the leading Romans felt and behaved in a way which seemed to him perfectly understandable and eminently sensible .
5 Children related to him so much because they saw in him an adult who behaved in the way that they did .
6 At the outset , it can be asserted the Young Conservatives we studied in no way constituted an ideological group like the Young Socialists .
7 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
8 It seemed a brusque and strange reply , but Downes seemed in no way disconcerted .
9 So we sat there in the silence as if we knew each other well and had no need merely to talk ; and as a matter of fact it seemed in a way to suit the stillness of the day .
10 This in fact became so only because of the policies Wilson adopted in the way of providing arms to the other side , for which there was insufficient compensation from the rather half-hearted support given by the Soviets and by a few other countries to the Biafrans .
11 I respectfully agree with the judge that that would be an inappropriate way of achieving the result which clearly ought to be achieved , which is that a child abducted in the way this little boy was should be able to return home pending a decision as to whether he lives with his father or with his mother .
12 They made the Navigation Acts effective ; in the colonies the legislation came to be known as ‘ the Acts of Trade ’ , which expressed rather well the way that , while the Acts ' main importance to England lay in their encouragement to shipping , their main impact on the colonies came in the way they affected the pattern of trade that was developing .
13 Yeah , they 're all listed are n't but as we came we came in the way we would come , I 'm a bit ignorant , so I suppose we were
14 He smiled and frowned in the way she loved .
15 But it had happened , and happened in a way that changed me , changed Toby , changed everything .
16 A meeting in which you say ‘ if what you tell me happened in the way you describe then we owe you an apology ’ would seem to offer no admission of liability or guilt in situations where legal action results .
17 ‘ We knew they were worried about Chappy 's aerial ability , and it showed in the way they dealt with him .
18 I co-operated in every way with the investigation . ’
19 They all acted in a way that was in the interests of the group overall , shall we say by not eating too much foods .
20 Perhaps no one acted in a way we can judge wrong by personal standards of conduct .
21 Admitting this , it might nevertheless be claimed that a person 's consenting entails , as a matter of the meaning of ‘ consent ’ , not only that he acted in the way I have described , but that his action has the purported normative consequences .
22 Quite suddenly , she was overcome with yearning for Harry , and prayed in a way she had never prayed before .
23 If you are starting from scratch , or just , decide what has to be bought and what improvised in the way of seating .
24 To monitor the course of the project , that is , to study the implementation of the action project design , to find out whether it operated in the way envisaged , using the means planned , and to examine any problems which arose and any unanticipated consequences .
25 That was the first occasion when I saw my exercising as an irritating use of time , because it got in the way of our friendship .
26 There were those who swore that Kitchen had so perfected his technique that midway through his sliding tackle he could swerve around obstacles , like team-mates , who got in the way .
27 He was unlucky when Southall got in the way of his 28th-minute drive at point-blank range , but within seconds United were ahead .
28 A body got in the way .
29 His beard and teeth got in the way .
30 As far as most Sussex people were concerned , it was probably a struggle which only affected them if they got in the way of one of the opposing forces .
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