Example sentences of "[vb past] the [adj -est] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he asked him to pass the screwdriver he passed the hammer and if he asked for the hammer , he passed the nearest broomhandle , which was usually in another room altogether .
2 He apologised to readers and to Philips Dictation Systems : ‘ Could of was simply a typesetting error that slipped passed the keenest eyes ’ , he wrote .
3 one of the Medway Towns , adjacent to Chatham where CD passed the happiest years of his boyhood , 1817–22 .
4 They agreed the best way to help was in a manner which was visible to the population of Russia .
5 Finishing , he put the original back into its envelope , applied the merest smear of thin gum to the flap and stuck it down .
6 A serious blow , of course , was also dealt to the reputation of the Labour Party , which controlled many of the councils with the greatest needs and which made the heaviest demands on the public purse , and whose members were least apologetic about doing so .
7 ‘ I 'll make the bread sauce if you like , ’ said Betty selflessly ; so Lydia let her , which was fairly unselfish of Lydia who made the best bread sauce in the world with a great deal of butter , nutmeg and black pepper .
8 they made the best discovery .
9 They made the best discovery of all .
10 The ones who made the best records with the least effort , took the most drugs , gatecrashed the best parties and got involved with the strangest people .
11 Rutherford again made the best stand of the innings , for the fourth wicket , with the captain who was n't keen on having him in the team .
12 Tom Mann believed that they made the best pickets of all .
13 Rory made the best attempt she could at a dismissive laugh .
14 I remember a little boy , I 've got on a picture with me he was a very very poor child and he made the best gloves in the class and it was a real sort of accolade for him .
15 When Chandler nearly scored himself near the end , Shaw , the former First Division goalkeeper with Bristol City , made the best save of the evening .
16 He maintained that an interest in chemistry was inborn in Germans , who also possessed a ‘ cold-blooded spirit of research , slow but accurate reflection and unremitting patience ’ , which made the best chemists .
17 St Aloysius ' John Timson made the best series break of 44 .
18 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
19 A panel of experts decided Kate 's winning menu made the best use of French cheese and awarded her the top prize a Concorde flight to Paris for a supersonic celebration .
20 Bass made the largest call this month .
21 Britain probably made the greatest contribution in literature and science , Germany certainly in music , while in the late nineteenth century , France dominated the world of painting .
22 As things turned out it was the Americans who made the greatest contribution , drawing heavily on the practice they had adopted in the last few years to incorporate the expertise available from industry and the unions into their CAB ( as they then were ) investigations .
23 Primitive Methodists made the greatest strides of all : the number of their ministers without any college training fell by 60 per cent while the number with , rose by 59 per cent .
24 If redundancy was the leading form of change to 1981 , it was gains in productivity that made the greatest inroads from then .
25 Two-digit inflation was a great boost to buying on credit , and buying a house on credit made the greatest sense of all because inflation ensured that the capital value of your house increased while your repayments took a gradually smaller percentage of your income .
26 WHETHER it was Major , Kinnock or Ashdown who made the greatest impression on the viewers , we shall know on Friday morning .
27 Miss Gracie Fields was the visiting star whose War Bond show made the greatest impression on Canadian listeners .
28 Establishments in public administration ( particularly in education ) made the greatest use of fixed-term contract workers — 39 per cent did so — and the least use of agency workers — eight per cent did so [ see Tables 3.1–2 ] .
29 It was in the elaboration of its programme rather than in its Parliamentary Opposition or in campaigns in the country , that the Labour Party made the greatest advances in recovering from its collapse .
30 But it was guarding the Japanese prisoners in Changi Jail that made the deepest impression on the 20-year-old sergeant from Billingham .
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