Example sentences of "[vb past] be [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The context within which the General Strike occurred was one in which the Baldwin government had returned to the gold standard and within which employers in exporting countries were faced with the need to reduce costs , and thus wages , by about 10 per cent .
2 As I said , there 'd been plenty of women in Uncle Paul 's life .
3 There 'd been something in the local papers about me and my work , and these girls , aged about eight to eleven years old , sent me a book of poems they 'd written , printed and sold to raise money .
4 Some years afterwards walking down here after he 'd been his for his silver wedding , golden wedding and so on er , coming down that dri drift down from the back he looked at me he said I do n't know boy !
5 And in the end , the temptation was too great : at some date between 1232 and 1235 , the prior and others conspired to make the document in the name of Archbishop Thomas Becket , which they believed was theirs by right .
6 He mixed with the tourists and other passers-by , enjoyed being nobody in a bustling city .
7 So entranced was he by all this technology that he half expected the same voice to thank him .
8 Well you , all I heard was something about her sorting out some wool and
9 What I needed was something like a slightly battered Ford Transit van , and I knew exactly where I could borrow one .
10 What he thought he needed was someone with the public fame to take over the leadership and to hold a candle to the great names of Lloyd George , Austen Chamberlain , Churchill , Birkenhead and Balfour .
11 She half closed her eyes , but she knew that the picture she presented was anything but detached .
12 I wanted to get away from the boring white theme , but the only dress I really liked was one by David Fielden which had white fur and beading .
13 Zoe said are they for your little said which little fun are you talking about Zoe ?
14 Oh it 's so funny , cos the second time he could n't , he came back and I think I was upstairs , and she did n't shut the door and I said all four , cos I 've got to pick her up at five , he said oh , anyway he went back , after dinner he 'd gone back and I said told you about it 's five o'clock , he said are you on me .
15 Was it true that she had been one among others who had put up bail for Wullie Robertson ?
16 A good example are the ‘ golf ’ tickets from Craven Arms to Plowden , where upon making enquiries I was informed that there was no golf course , but there had been one in the years before World War One .
17 Her mother told her that there had been nothing on the wireless all day except music and news bulletins .
18 It was now thrashing feebly about in the straw trying to get its tangle of legs in order , a whole , complete , new horse — when five minutes ago there had been nothing at all save him thinking Firelight had indigestion .
19 There had been nothing at all before .
20 When he had joined the ship he had been nothing but eagerness and smiles , romping about like a new puppy , but now he had turned unrelentingly morose .
21 Sharpe felt a sudden fear that he had raised a false alarm and the force he had seen had been nothing but a feint .
22 He had been nothing but trouble for the Major .
23 She was screaming at him now , that with a man like him she should have found another , her life had been nothing but work , work , work , worry , worry , worry , and now he made out she was a common whore , when she had n't had an instant 's pleasure in her livelong days .
24 had been nothing but a black window space .
25 What had happened hours ago , a lifetime ago , when he 'd kissed her , had been nothing but an aberration .
26 The little jokes , the smiles , the anecdotes about his childhood , about his city , had been nothing but clever prelude to her seduction but the worst of it was that she 'd been so damnably easy to seduce .
27 Yet since his father 's death there had been nothing between him and his sister but companionship , affection , peace .
28 There had been nothing about it on the television news since the day the car was found .
29 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
30 Lugh was certain that there had been nothing in the least bit noticeable about their journey .
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