Example sentences of "[vb past] find [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to find herself on the map , but the printed boulevards and blocks writhed whenever she looked up at the street , making new patterns .
2 Which is how she came to find herself in such an embarrassing position .
3 I 'd found myself in the company of two groups of schoolchildren between the ages of seven and thirteen who 'd come to take part in this year 's Young National Trust Theatre production , Two Nations , an exploration of the divisions existing in Victorian society .
4 She 'd found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of teasing about her impromptu topless dip in the sea and her valiant rescuer , and she 'd fenced it as calmly as she could .
5 Fortunately she 'd found herself within reach of the small hall table which held the telephone and had been able to ring her neighbour .
6 I happened to find myself with the Commander on the gallery one afternoon : the other usual suspects were missing .
7 On the Left Bank the Germans began to find themselves at an increasing tactical disadvantage .
8 The Socialist League began to find itself in the same critical relationship with the Labour Party which had forced its predecessor , the ILP , to disaffiliate .
9 I do not want to be harsh , but when I first set eyes on him I knew the type at once : the big , gangling provincial , so eager and relieved to find himself at last in artistic circles .
10 In pursuing these aims , de Gaulle continued to find himself at odds with the British and Americans .
11 This was due , no doubt , to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house , I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance .
12 Earlier in the day , while looking for the swimming-pool , I had found myself in a park containing the largest number of fire-engines I had ever seen .
13 He was in uniform , very much in the situation in which Lewis had found himself as an undergraduate at Univ .
14 I had not doubt that this Ichaelan free-lance , probably some spindly droop with acne and myopia , had found himself on a world where nothing but good old genetics had spawned a race of tall , handsome , muscular people .
15 After his long , slow climb Stoneley had found himself to be a novice at office in-fighting , some examples of which could make the brutal intentions of a common criminal seem almost harmless .
16 The laird who sought the politician 's aid had found himself in an embarrassing predicament when a brother had unexpectedly returned to the family estate after many years spent at sea .
17 After the The Lancaster House agreement , Mike had found himself in a similar position to the rest of the Rhodesian Army — overqualified , over-trained , and unemployed .
18 Now what happened , and it was a good procedure because what happened was that if anyone say on a Friday had found himself in a difficult situation , we would then discuss it on the Monday afternoon , er bearing in mind that he had taken it to the foreman and had got no response from the foreman , we could discuss it on a Monday afternoon , the convenor and the secretary would deal with it the following day , and in all probability , without having recourse to take it any further , reply to the man that the matter had been resolved and , and to his liking .
19 At school he had been enthusiastic but undistinguished , and after it he had found himself in a polytechnic in the Midlands , in the state of paralysis of the imagination that tends to grip adolescents when the time for choosing a career looms .
20 They were also asked to describe the major characteristics of the groups in which they had found themselves at each point in their time on the terraces .
21 It is hard to resist the conclusion that this new attitude was the result of the company in which the exiles had found themselves from 1097 to 1100 .
22 On the night the piece was shown in August 1990 , and the following day , Thames Television ran a Help Line staffed by experienced money advisers for viewers who had found themselves in the same situation as Sue and Tony .
23 All that was in essence known to HQ 5 Corps was that the greater number of these people were " Cossacks " or " Russians " making up various units who had found themselves in Austria because to a greater or lesser extent they had been associated with the Germans , and had surrendered to the British in the hope that they might thus avoid falling into the hands of the Communists .
24 Some of them could not believe that they had found themselves in a church , and were only stopping off en route to a nearby pub .
25 But once the business had been established and the initial problems of setting it up had been dealt with , she had found herself with a certain amount of time at her disposal , time to relax , time to remember .
26 She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna 's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine .
27 Once she suddenly landed up in hospital for what was not an emergency ; several times she had found herself in a new home ; and on one occasion she had arrived in another country with a new ‘ father ’ — all without warning or previous explanation .
28 The walls were maroon and the carpet was purple and the effect was expensive , but Lee felt as depressed as if she had found herself in the smelly hallway of a neglected and deprived residence .
29 Following the Coopers merger with Deloittes , Pearson had found itself with three firms of auditors — Deloitte & Touche and Arthur Andersen in the US and Coopers & Lybrand in the rest of the world — a situation it found cumbersome and expensive .
30 It was yielding some ore but had found itself amongst the old bottoms out of which " the eyes had been picked " .
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