Example sentences of "[vb past] any [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , I have long thought that the time had come to change the self-imposed judicial rule that forbade any reference to the legislative history of an enactment as an aid to its interpretation .
2 On returning to London , she patented a line-divider , a drawing device that allowed any line to be divided into any given number of equal parts .
3 He would ring her up every couple of months or so and invite her to the opera , or to dinner and no one paid any attention to this .
4 Nobody paid any attention to me .
5 There is no need — ’ But no one paid any attention to him .
6 Russia was in the last resort not prepared to fight and the crisis fizzled out ; no one paid any attention to the Turkish contention that Ferdinand 's title was illegal .
7 " Let us have tea on the lawn again ! " shouted the Collector from the window , but no one paid any attention to him .
8 No one paid any attention to me .
9 Nobody paid any attention to Huy .
10 The dog never paid any attention to any of these commands , but , like most dogs , carried on eating golf balls , smelling strangers ' private parts , and looking immensely pleased with himself .
11 He rarely paid any attention to the plays progressing below him .
12 To see if she paid any attention to him .
13 No one saw her — or , if they did , no one paid any heed to her .
14 Neither of them paid any heed to the poor old grand-father , who had to tend the sacred fire all on his own .
15 Bev never showed any emotion to me at all . ’
16 Once appraised of the real facts , there was only one person that showed any opposition to flying taking place at the airfield .
17 Few expressed any hostility to the conclusions in our book .
18 Besides , she needed any meeting to be at her bidding , take place at her chosen venue , be conducted on her terms .
19 By the terms of the secret Treaty of Dover of 1670 , he even agreed to announce his conversion to Catholicism and to accept French military assistance if his parliament offered any resistance to his policies .
20 As she hesitated , she glanced at the loose page to see if it offered any clue to its rightful position in the book .
21 Although neither prosecution nor defence lodged any objection to our presence , the presiding judge , Lord Robertson , barred us from attending .
22 Most homicides were unplanned , and few brought any benefit to the offender even if he avoided punishment .
23 In early October , as Mrs Thatcher — flanked by her Cabinet — received a nine-minute standing ovation at the close of a successful party conference , few expected any challenge to her in the leadership election which had to be held within 28 days of the start of the new parliamentary session , due to open on 7 November .
24 ‘ Oh , of course , ’ said Holly , as though it made any sense to her .
25 Had n't he understood that she had given herself to him for the only reason that made any sense to her .
26 It is sad to report that neither the Transport Department nor the Environment Department ( they made a joint decision in favour of the trench on the grounds of cost ) made any attempt to value Twyford Down , its inhabitants and the enjoyment gained now and in the future from them .
27 Chapters Four to Seven , which present the research findings , examine : whether the project made any difference to those who received it , compared with those who did not , in terms of institutionalisation , mental or emotional well-being , self-care capacity or receipt of other community services ( Chapter Four ) ; the effects of the project upon the principal informal carers of the dementia sufferers ( Chapter Five ) ; the major costs of community care for those receiving or not receiving support from the project ( Chapter Six ) ; and the limits to care , that is , the characteristics or circumstances of those who could not be supported at home for long even with the Home Support Project ( Chapter Seven ) .
28 Not that it made any difference to the dead .
29 As both a guitar fetishist and a hi-fi victim I read with interest the letter from Jonathan Simmonds in the June issue , since his comments about Eric Johnson 's ability to hear the difference between jack plugs reminds me of the debate in the hi-fi world a while back about whether interconnect and speaker cables made any difference to the sound of a system .
30 ‘ I do n't think it made any difference to my career or Peter 's , ’ says Finney .
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