Example sentences of "[vb past] take to the " in BNC.

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1 Cos he he When he liked he could speak very well but how he 'd taken to the road I do n't know , but he was well known er er as the blind fiddler .
2 And there were words of praise for the girls who 'd taken to the catwalk .
3 Ana had no trouble with her mount ; to Maggie 's surprise she seemed to be an expert horsewoman and Mitch too seemed to take to the activity like a veteran .
4 It is just as well that Plainsong seemed to take to the track on her debut in the Fillies ' Maiden she was aimed at the race because owner Peter Innes was a steward at the meeting .
5 Then yet more came and brought with them great Stones which one day they started to take to the very centre place of Callanish itself .
6 Dropping out meant taking to the road , hitchhiking or biking far away from home , and the landscape became dotted with the beat replacements , the hippies .
7 On Dec. 1 Talb 's Uppsala home was raided , and the clothing seized taken to the UK for forensic tests , following court and Swedish government approval .
8 It was also in this film , when he had a long and exacting monologue at the end , that he finally saw it as what he termed an allegory to his own career : he had the chance of taking a university scholarship but instead chose to take to the road and share his life with some interesting characters , though by this stage of the story in the film itself , Dupea 's liberation is being challenged .
9 NOT only did the Kiwis get blown off the park at the Hong Kong Sevens by Fiji , but three gnarled members of their supporters club got taken to the cleaners in a local hostess bar .
10 Robert James had taken to the hills .
11 A judge was divorced by his wife because he had taken to the idea that she was possessed by the devil and gave her a thump or two to drive Satan out .
12 Burton had a small part , did it competently , met Richard Leech , a young Irish doctor , who had taken to the boards .
13 At first they had taken to the Underground because it was warm , later for other reasons .
14 Seeing me , it had taken to the air , clumsily at first , then with Increasing speed as its great wings beat it downriver to Rash .
15 She led him stealthily up the path Rodomonte had taken to the summit .
16 He felt it was time to ask about the stains on the clothes that Jim Lancaster had taken to the dry cleaner 's .
17 As for Prince Charles , having declared that he kept an open mind on the subject of complementary medicine , he gave a dissertation on the recent allegations that he had taken to the occult : ‘ I do not play with a Ouija board .
18 In June 1263 , however , when Simon of Montfort [ q.v. ] resurrected the cause of the Provisions and advanced on the capital , Fitzthomas placed himself at the head of ‘ the people ’ who had taken to the streets in Montfort 's support .
19 He would never , if he had taken to the high seas in past centuries , have been caught napping by a mutiny .
20 Danu had never been that easy for him , even though the people had taken to the saints and images of Catholicism with the usual zeal of the pagan at heart .
21 On Saturday afternoon , most of the men had gone to watch the City at home , most of the women had taken to the washing machine .
22 Asked why he had taken to the streets just hours before polling , he said : ‘ I had other things to do , as you may imagine . ’
23 Several thousand demostrators had taken to the streets , attacked " indecently dressed " women ( who they claimed were responsible for a drought ) , set fire to the head office of the Niger Women 's Association ( AFN ) , and also attacked the residences of the local prefect and sultan .
24 Harvey had always had a mania for showers and baths and he had taken to the sauna ritual with great enthusiasm .
25 She too had taken to the new helper .
26 Itar-Tass news agency said several hundred demonstrators in the Siberian city of Irkutsk had taken to the streets yesterday to demand Mr Yeltsin 's resignation while his supporters had begun collecting signatures in favour of a referendum .
27 Most chimp activity takes place at least within sight of the ground , but to film all the stages of a hunt , cameraman Mike Richards ( left ) also had to take to the air .
28 We had to take our own meals at all times , even when we had cups of tea we had to take to the station our own tea , sugar and milk , but there was always a large kettle during the winter months on a coal fire , and during the summer months on a gas ring .
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