Example sentences of "[vb past] so [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pete must have dropped onto his bed without undressing , he made so little sound .
2 ‘ I find it surprising , ’ says Bingham , ‘ that this meeting made so little impression on Barnes …
3 It had taken him only a few moments to discover , from his wife 's tirade , that Hank 's book was not quite so innocent as he had imagined ; however , any book that made so much money was a good book , in his opinion , and he had defended Hank hotly .
4 ‘ Would n't you like to know how Moll Sutton made so much money that she could get herself a shop ? ’
5 I made so much money , he went home grumblin' about someone fiddlin' his profits .
6 Is my right hon. Friend aware that one of the most important subjects on which he obviously made so much progress with President Yeltsin was that of non-proliferation ?
7 It 's quite rare , which is why it made so much publicity .
8 His wrong-headedness resided in his failure to recognize that the attitudes and expenditures of which he made so much fun were merely symbols of achievement , the kind of achievement which has in fact given rise to every civilization and marked stages in the development of each one .
9 For a while they made so much work for the bailiffs that they had little time to harass the Nonconformists .
10 All those people cheering us on made so much difference . ’
11 One wasted so much time arguing with the body , urging it through the laborious and uncomfortable routine of physical existence — getting up , washing , shaving , even moving .
12 Yeah , last year we got so much equipment ah the that 's just a there , but
13 What I find though , erm , becau my , because we got so much stuff coming in for the shop anyway , like the lettuce or the fruit and veg , my parents don , you know , like most people go , yo your mother probably goes , how many , how often does she make a shopping trip ?
14 They got so much satisfaction from helping the Association , in fact , that as this photo shows , they signed application forms for Life Membership !
15 In fact , I got so much dirt ,
16 Villa-Lobos produced so much music that critics occasionally tret him as a sausage factory , the scores dropping off the end of the belt without the composer paying much attention to them .
17 The first point to note , therefore , is that many of the disruptions in the first evacuation scheme , which produced so much distress in the children ( resulting , in particular , in bed-wetting ) were primarily the result of poor civil defence planning .
18 Intel has had difficulty getting working parts over 40MHz and even at that reduced speed the silicon produced so much heat it required a heat sink and a fan ( UX No 410 ) .
19 They look super in the portfolio : far better than all those grotty 10 cm doubles that sold so many army surplus sleeping bags .
20 The Earl of Exeter owned so much property in Stamford ( Lincolnshire ) that he was able to keep its 2,500 electors firm to the Tory interest without a contest during the reign of Anne .
21 And I expended so much energy making it beautiful for you ! ’
22 Of course , I avoided so much work , going out to the bloody square on Tower Hill to gawk at the gore-drenched platform where the Great Ones of the land had their heads cut off .
23 It kept the Navigation Acts up to date , but under Walpole 's premiership in the 1720s and 1730s it passed so little legislation of any general application even within Britain that it was quite natural for it to do nothing about the colonies .
24 A shrug-that dismissed so much unhappiness and disappointment .
25 Wet cooling towers and air conditioning systems are regularly inspected and conditions monitored so that cleaning is carried out only when necessary but is done by thoroughly trained staff .
26 I went er , in to check whether these were available last week , just to make sure they were available and , they we , they had been reserved last term but I went to check and , I found so much difficulty finding my way around
27 Days after finding the card which promised so much happiness for the future , Tim learned that his wife and her best friend Elizabeth Over had been beaten and knifed to death , their bodies mutilated .
28 At the last minute , however , when the terms were being finalised at the papal court , the French withdrew : the making of such concessions , which involved so much principle as well as territory , could not be countenanced .
29 ‘ However , ’ Margrida continued , ‘ the incident created so much gossip among his courtiers that King João became annoyed and he ordered a ceiling in the palace to be painted with as many magpies as there were chattering ladies .
30 IN HIS book , All the Presidents ' Wits , Gerald Gardner quotes Ronald Reagan remembering a speech he gave in Mexico City as Californian governor which created so little applause he was embarrassed when he sat down .
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