Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The terms structure and structural are crucial to the programme of research which the Thèses proposed on both literature and language .
2 She discarded the trouser suit for a set of underwear in palest pink , and Claudia seethed at having the most wonderful moments of her life dismissed in so summary a fashion .
3 After oral administration , mesalazine is extensively acetylated such that N-acetyl-5-ASA is the predominant form found in both plasma and urine .
4 During the warmer , wetter periods such as the Miocene , between 15 and 25 million years ago , many species now found in the tropics — gibbons and orang-utans , for example — ranged much further north .
5 Regrettably , history suggests that people who are mentally vulnerable are consulted infrequently and in some cases are neglected , exploited and mistreated through either thoughtlessness or cruelty .
6 The plan worked because in this new environment the young Prince found not only friendship but also the stimulus of intellectual competition .
7 Last reported early yesterday morning , high as a kite , heading for a train .
8 Significantly their arrival coincided with the first wave of summer visitors in more southerly parts of Britain , including wheatears reported as far north as Staffordshire .
9 Wall Street yesterday finally woke up to what we have been saying since January — that IBM Corp sets its dividend for one quarter at a time , and that there is no guarantee that the level declared for fourth quarter 1992 will be maintained quarterly this year : market dealers in Europe say a rumour surfaced here yesterday morning that another cut may be coming .
10 Cole and Meyer 35 found that early productivity is a good rough predictor of later productivity .
11 Cole and Meyer found that early productivity is a good rough predictor of later productivity .
12 Here for once a rural industry had been set up regardless of the availability of local labour or any need to create employment ; at first people in the Weald lacked not merely skill but also , it would seem , sufficient incentive .
13 Mr Robertson said there were ‘ serious questions of substance ’ arising from Mr Hurd 's statement , which concerned not just amendment 27 , but the treaty itself .
14 Rather different were those heads who avoided not only confrontation but also contact , taking refuge in their office and resorting to memoranda rather than face-to-face encounters .
15 On October 6 , he wrote her a letter : ‘ Dear Susan , Never have I known a love so great , nor suffered so greatly love 's penalty …
16 We came down my son came down here month and he and er , put red lead all underneath it .
17 Mike came down yesterday morning , mind you he had been on his own quite a lot , a lot of time yesterday for the day Josh , cos I went to Altrincham with me mum at half nine and it , I 'd taken him out for a walk to make sure he 'd had his walk and Mike did n't get up till gone half two and when he come down he 'd cut a report of Lisa 's on the floor
18 ‘ Well , the Admiral came in yesterday afternoon . ’
19 ‘ Two of them came in yesterday evenin' . ’
20 ‘ He came in yesterday morning and put his things down and went out .
21 The Arsenal striker , who scored in both north London derby games last season , refused to be drawn into a slanging match after the game but responded forcefully yesterday .
22 The Commission provoked not only disappointment but anger and resentment by another recommendation to the effect " that the intermarriage of the congenital deaf should be strongly discouraged , as well as the intermarriage of blood relations , especially where any hereditary tendency to deaf mutism prevails in the family . "
23 woke up about quarter to seven , I think I was oblivious I just about sailed off again about after putting this back .
24 and then other , like this morning I woke up about quarter to seven , well I 'd been awake a while but I thought I 'd came to at quarter to seven I went down and make some tea and having breakfast
25 I woke up yesterday morning , I could n't open my eyes !
26 Well , you know , Donald came up here year after year and took a real tongue lashing and you did n't really put anything down there that could be criticized this year but you said we 're gon na fight .
27 I came here to escape from the problems of my life in London and , without really meaning to , I came as far east as I could get . ’
28 Doug Green went on to tutor Jane Dubar : ‘ Actually I think I learnt as actually part of the INSET course more from being a tutor than as a teacher participant . ’
29 Medical opinion believed that early breast milk ( antigen-rich colostrum ) was harmful , and that feeding should be delayed until the passage of the first stools .
30 And we were back in Woking by quarter past , twenty past two , we did two shop 's , video shop for Jean , the for Neil and Boot 's and then to sports and then back home , we got home about quarter too four .
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