Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] of the " in BNC.

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1 In the event , it got nothing of the kind .
2 On the day after President Shagari 's arrival in Britain , one UpN state newspaper reported nothing of the visit , commenting instead in an editorial that he should not have left the country at a time when the doctors were on strike : it had been ‘ unpatriotic ’ for him to do so .
3 Maclagan — jogged silently down the lock 's east wall but found none of the expected demolitions at its gates .
4 I found none of the double entendres in Whiplash Whispers funny , and the illustrations were a bit tasteless .
5 For Katherine the landscape bore none of the familiarity of a picture postcard .
6 At first the freemen of both town and country had an organization and a type of property which still retained something of the communal as well as something of the private , but in the town a radical transformation was taking place .
7 This convention retained something of the laconic style of drafting of its Latin American predecessors , and like them applied in principle to both the service of documents and the taking of evidence .
8 Although hailed by the leaders of the Catholic revival as their patron , ‘ the good Earl John ’ ( as he was known by them ) retained something of the recusant Catholic families ' suspicion of ‘ enthusiasm ’ , religious fervour , and triumphalism .
9 ‘ You mentioned something of the sort when you first came in .
10 Men like Abraham ( Gen. Is:l ) , Jacob ( Gen. 46:2 ) , Ezekiel ( 1:1 ) and Daniel ( 1:17 , 4:5 , 7:7 ) grasped something of the purposes of God in a vision .
11 It seems that many of the communities trading with Minoan Crete caught something of the flavour of its culture , whether material or spiritual , and developed it in their own way .
12 They used it of the sun , did n't they ?
13 In September 1980 when Gallup asked which of the three main candidates would best deal with ‘ improving the economy ’ 44 per cent said Reagan , 30 per cent Carter and 12 per cent Anderson ; on ‘ reducing inflation ’ the figures were 44 per cent for Reagan , Carter 29 per cent and Anderson 13 per cent .
14 Where there were several purchasers of the same type of wine , it was impossible to say who owned which of the bottles of wine in the seller 's stock .
15 They advised me of the best route to take home — and by the best they meant the most fun , not the quickest .
16 She told them of the hardships suffered by our men .
17 Mr Crowden told them of the terms of the will and suggested that Violet 's legacy seemed a poor reward and that it might be improved .
18 As they travelled west , along the same route that the young cadet had come , they met travellers who told them of the horrors of the revolution .
19 Samuel had already arrived and within a few minutes they were joined by Neville Chamberlain , MacDonald told them of the situation in the Cabinet , and of his advice to the King .
20 ‘ He immediately rang his bosses and told them of the theft .
21 They were welcomed by Guinness Brewing Worldwide Managing Director , who is chairman of the Guinness Group 's Pension Trust , and who told them of the latest developments at their former workplace .
22 He told them of the product launches during the year , Cruzcampo 's success at the Expo event in Spain , and the development of the new staff restaurant to replace the old canteen .
23 Rory talked fast and funnily , told them of the rat they 'd found in the caravan when they 'd come to it , recounted the horrors of a little restaurant in Buncrana where they 'd eaten the night before , and laughed at the way he and Mallachy had sailed past the beach a thousand times before deciding to boldly ask them for a drink .
24 Addressing the Boys ' Brigade that very Sunday , the Rev. Johnston McKay told them of the lady who , surprised by the sum raised for the clock she had given to be sold for church funds , exclaimed that she did not know she had so much to give .
25 Ranu , a Sylheti woman in her late twenties , told me of the enveloping love and care a woman with her first or second child can receive in Bangladesh .
26 The women I spoke to who had been through the whole procedure told me of the many exhausting visits they had had to make to the British Embassies and High Commissions , of the atmosphere of contempt at these places , of the pettiness of the Entry Clearance Officers ( ECOs ) and interpreters , and the rude and unreasonable questions they had had to answer .
27 Later , over dinner , Mrs Knelle spiritedly told me of the sensation around Lough Corrib when President Reagan had stayed at Ashford Castle .
28 Bill Riffkind , a close friend of Sam 's , later told me of the fight .
29 The boy found me at the sweet shop across the street , and told me of the drama .
30 She often told me of the nightly air-raids , her parents worn out from fire-watching , houses in the familiar streets suddenly plunged into dust , people suddenly gone , news of sons lost at the Front .
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