Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In subsequent correspondence Technical Division were asked to confirm that the timing of the provision of the benefit to the non-resident or non-domiciled beneficiary was irrelevant , ie that it did not matter whether the income in question was paid to him in the year of assessment in which it arose or in a subsequent year , but Technical Division refused to confirm that this was the case on the grounds that the actual circumstances of particular cases tended to vary so widely that they felt unable to answer the question without more details .
2 In 1963 , when he was already Leader of the Labour Party , Harold Wilson promised that under a Labour government there would be ‘ Grammar School education for all ’ , and few in the Labour Party wanted to be seen as the enemy of the grammar schools .
3 The Paris show demonstrated that at a much lower level delightful drawings by well known names can still be bought at a fraction of the price of a painting by the same artist .
4 He described that as a substantial real-terms increase and a generous package of support .
5 Essentially the Post charged that in a 1984 report , Mike Hoover , a freelance news cameraman with a reputation for providing theatrical footage , recreated scenes of Afghan rebels sabotaging electricity pylons — days after the real action had taken place .
6 ‘ I never doubted that for a moment , ’ he replied in an extremely charming , yet at the same time insolent , tone .
7 I say in interesting , if you built that in a model , people would n't believe you .
8 The 1977 Royal Commission on the Press found that for a quality newspaper , production costs accounted for 31% of total costs ; the next largest group of costs were attributed to newsprint and ink .
9 He told The Art Newspaper , ‘ Every two years we have a renewed clothes allowance , and we found that for a very little extra we could provide our warders with these outfits .
10 Wright and West , in a study of all incidents recorded by the police as genuine rapes or attempted rapes in six English counties over a five-year period from 1972 to 1976 , found that of a total of 297 cases , fellatio was attempted or demanded in 30 incidents , cunnilingus in 13 , buggery in 12 and other sexual acts usually involving masturbation in 35 .
11 They found that with a 60 ( user ) concurrent workload Destiny on the Intel chip was 28% faster than a DEC 5900 and performed 87% as well as an RS/6000 970 running AIX .
12 Researchers found that on a day when an ‘ insular ’ mother reported having an argument with another adult before she was observed at home with her child , she was more likely to behave unpleasantly towards her child ( Wahler and Graves 1983 ) .
13 India in those days ( round about 1963 ) was much in the air and I found that as a background it decidedly fired my imagination .
14 And we found that over a period of , oh about a couple of months , the same people almost used to come round .
15 I have a slow heartbeat , about 67 or 68 , but we found that in a quiet passage of music before a climax the heartbeat could rise to 170 .
16 Nicola Woods found that in a business setting , gender was a better predictor than status of who would interrupt whom .
17 Research carried out at Queen Mary and Westfield College , London found that in a major incident at a plant of the type proposed a radius of nine miles could be affected , that is from Bolton in the north to Hale in the south , and from Leigh in the west to the easternmost boundary of Greater Manchester .
18 Hewitt and Burton ( 1971 ) analysed the record for southwestern Ontario and found that in a 50-year period there would be 1 severe drought , 2 major windstorms , 5 severe snowstorms , 8 severe hurricanes , 10 severe glaze storms , 16 severe floods , 25 severe hailstorms and 39 tornadoes .
19 Further , one of my students , Raymond Laflamme , found that in a slightly more complicated model , the collapse of the universe was very different from the expansion .
20 Contrary to these expectations , Rose found that in a group of 36211 men followed from 5 to 23 years , two thirds of those who developed colon cancer had initial serum cholesterol values below the age sex specific values for each respective cohort .
21 Similarly , in obese patients receiving weight reduction , Broomfield and colleagues found that in a dose of 1300 mg/day , aspirin inhibited ( albeit to a non-significant extent ) the development of microcrystals , microstones , and gall stones — which developed with high frequency in untreated patients .
22 And although my initial work was with the individual child , I found that in a large number of cases , the parental interest was of a high order and , and the children 's willingness to involve parents in their behavioural difficulties was also of a high order , so I found myself working not just within the school , not just with the child , but in a parent-child situation .
23 So all the traffic that used that as a rat run to get on the East Lancs Road
24 Ethiopian radio reported that during a ceremony in the office of President Meles , Carter had said that he was ready to make his own contribution to convince the World Bank , the IMF and other international organizations " to take part in the country 's economic reconstruction " .
25 Hospitals reported that on a single day ( Oct. 24 ) four civilians had been killed and more than 100 injured .
26 Greenpeace reported that as a result exports were going to east European countries and Latin America .
27 Capt. Valentine E. M. Strasser , head of state of Sierra Leone , reported that as a result of the conflict his country had had " no respite for the past 15 months " and had suffered as much devastation as Liberia itself .
28 the Guardian of March 1 reported that at a meeting between the government and members of the opposition in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia , angry debate had erupted over demands by the opposition that martial law be declared not by the government in exile , but by an emergency national unity government reflecting various political views .
29 The Xinhua news agency reported that at a meeting with Li Peng soon after the Kazakh party 's arrival , the Chinese Premier called for enhanced relations in all fields and said that the recently completed rail link would help bilateral relations in the economic and trade fields .
30 They squirmed , shrivelled and after a brief struggle , gave up the ghost .
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