Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion Clara 's class purchased a pound of sausages , took them in with them , and roasted them on one of the burners , and ate them , in full scent and in fairly good view ; Mrs Hill appeared not to notice , and talked quietly on of Boyle 's law .
2 ‘ I met them on one of my early trips out here . ’
3 The count led them through one of the doors into what was a very beautiful drawing-room and almost immediately a servant came in with refreshments .
4 The TV producer led them to one of the last suites on the left and a young man in pullover and jeans swung round on his chair .
5 As they strolled deeper into the gardens she became aware that the Pantominteatret was by no means the only form of free entertainment , as their progress led them from one area of performance to another .
6 Much to my surprise , he led me towards one of the public beer tents .
7 Remember the carnations , we got them at one of the shops , the florist in .
8 ‘ We got ourselves into one of those silly situations , in the middle of 1883 , which meant there was no way for me to remain .
9 ‘ I have three or four : two black Strats , a Les Paul Junior with a neck-through-body — really heavy guitar , sustains really well — a Flying V that they built me with one pickup — neck-through-body also — and a regular Flying V. ’
10 It put its head on one side and fixed them with one evil black eye .
11 He let me into one of his secrets when he told me that he tries to avoid cream sauces and prefers to use stock and wine reductions .
12 A theatrical gentleman approached me after one of the performances , said he was impressed by my singing , and that he could obtain a part for me with the Schikenader Company in Vienna .
13 Gesner waved for some coffee and helped himself to one of Stefan 's rolls .
14 He let himself into one of the houses through the skylight and waited , hardly daring to breath , to see if he had been detected .
15 She shrivelled him with one glance .
16 Two men appeared in front of him , and he caught her wrist and jerked her to one side , raising his sword .
17 Elizabeth Woodville drew her to one side .
18 A friend in Joan 's office was active in the Womens ' Loyalist Action Association and invited her to one of its meetings .
19 He invited her into one of his lesser parlours .
20 Elizabeth Woodville turned and drew him to one side .
21 Eventually Johnny drew him to one side with a shock-haired young reporter who sported horn-rimmed glasses and a velvet bow-tie .
22 Born in St Petersburg , Iacovleff was associated with Bakst and Diaghilev before moving to Paris where such was his repute that Sargent described him as one of the greatest living draftsmen .
23 He wrote a preface to David Jones 's In Parenthesis in which he noted the fact that Jones was of the same generation as Pound and himself ; he also wrote a preface to Lewis 's One-Way Song and described him as one of those who had been falsely labelled by " the Messenmensch " as a fascist but nevertheless chose " to walk alone " .
24 Susan Einzig regarded him as one of the brightest jewels in a smart set .
25 But the Gloucesters still regarded him as one of theirs .
26 Shaw joined the company in 1944 and was still only 17 when Ashton used him as one of the three male dancers in Symphonic Variations .
27 The ball bounced near Scott and he trapped it with his left foot , then swivelled and hooked it to one of the young boys with his right , smiling to himself .
28 Then , with great creative inspiration and insight , they painstakingly transformed it into one of Lincolnshire 's most original and interesting restaurants .
29 Simpson called it quantum evolution and described it as one of three evolutionary modes .
30 Sir John Betjeman , on the other hand , described it as one of the industrial towns which are ‘ the hope and life of England ’ .
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