Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [verb] what " in BNC.

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1 Helen asked me to explain what I meant , and listened carefully to the long story of what I had suffered at Gateshead .
2 Later he called me to a meeting of the Executive Council and asked me to say what I thought the principles of the Department should be and how they could be implemented .
3 I remember that she asked me to guess what was inside a sort of pasty served to her on Thásos , and that I got it right at the first guess : macaroni .
4 It kept me awake at nights , it made me forget what I was doing during the day .
5 ‘ However , there are a lot of good players from around Europe playing on the Swedish Tour and it made me realise what I have to do to make it as a pro .
6 The bridge was like a symbol which suddenly made me realise what is happening to that country .
7 It made me realise what a coward I 've been over my own problem .
8 The first I new was Chris 's sudden , shocked screaming , with an urgency that made me drop what I was doing and run across the room to the open verandah .
9 ‘ I 've seen him myself , or else hearing about it has put me in a special state of mind , and all the other factors have come up right , atmospheric conditions , combinations of light and dark , what you like , and made me create what I believed I was seeing .
10 ‘ It really made me appreciate what I have — my job , my family and my home , ’ he said .
11 This made me remember what had happened before and ever since I have been treating both water and canoes with a good degree of caution and respect .
12 Mr Brown 's respectful reception of these corkers made me wonder what he looks like .
13 All this made me wonder what class of people were involved in the production .
14 That made me wonder what he wanted , so I stood and watched .
15 It made me wonder what changes had taken place over the years with regards to the field .
16 ‘ If you must know , it made me wonder what sort of doctor I am , that 's all . ’
17 So er she got I mean what ?
18 As it turned out , the studio ‘ was n't up to much any more and half the equipment was broken ’ , but , according to Mondays ' manager Nathan McGough , ‘ a little light went on as soon as I met Chris and Tina , so I phoned them to ask what they thought of the band and what they had planned for the next couple of months ’ .
19 At the beginning of Lent , Miss White approached me to see what she should do about the appeal
20 As the shock receded , Charles found himself wondering what the disagreement had really been about .
21 In fact , the beauty all around was so breathtaking that , for the first time in his life , he actually caught himself thinking what a shame it would be to put a railway line here , to bring dirt and clamour to this Eden .
22 England found nobody to do what the Pakistan quickies — Wasim Akram in particular — had done to them .
23 Structured thought which had as its main attributes three themes of course before you had that you had to have a clear objective which helped you to choose what those three themes were , and why why did we choose three as a based on
24 Pick out some of the comparisons that really helped you imagine what tyrannosaurus rex was like .
25 Then as her gaze focused unconsciously on the hyacinth-coloured bedspread , she found herself remembering what Silvia had said : ‘ I thought you ought to have a room with a double bed , for when your boyfriend comes to visit you ’ .
26 She had spent a sleepless night agonising over what had happened between herself and David and she found herself dreading what the atmosphere would be like between them .
27 And , without really meaning to , she found herself wondering what Pete McCarthy might be doing .
28 Ianthe had gone into a kind of day dream and found herself wondering what John did in the evenings .
29 And then she found herself wondering what had prompted her to utter remarks concerning his private affairs .
30 It had been a slip on Doreen 's part , Lucy recalled as she found herself wondering what the situation had been with Clive .
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