Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Member for Leyton asked about further legislation .
2 The allocation runs counter to the recommendations of a report last year that asked for greater spending on universities ( see Nature 356 , 9 : 1992 ) .
3 The officials asked for further studies , which were reported to the department on 7 October .
4 Sometime after , the Society for Psychical Research was founded in 1882 and Mr Kendal sent details of the North Road Station incident to the President , Prof Sidgwick , who asked for further details of Durham 's bodily state on the eventful night .
5 Some suggestions were instantly taken up , as in 1925 , when five members asked for shorter carries and the committee agreed to reducing them to 120 yards , and also a later suggestion for setting aside some ground for lessons and practice .
6 Now the erect pointed ears scanned for further clues as to the quarry 's line of movement .
7 He fought for higher oil revenues to finance this and the development programmes that would transform Iran 's economy .
8 Improvements in shipping and the foundation of the guild of pilots of Trinity House ( incorporated in 1541 ) made for safer navigation in the Thames , and the London merchants removed their trade nearer home .
9 The picaresque vitality of Richardson 's novel begins to wane early in the third volume ( a frequent fate of follow-ups ) and , as a theatre audience does not have the opportunity to plough through stodgy bits in their own time , we felt it made for better drama to kill Pamela ( in the novel she comes near to death ) before the dramatic conflict itself dies .
10 The phonetic orthography of both the Cyrillic alphabet of Serbia and the Latin alphabet of Croatia and Slovenia made for easier communication and understanding among the Yugoslav peoples and led to common political action .
11 These also made for easier reference with page turning being easier than unwinding a scroll to find your place .
12 The widening of the EEC argued for greater awareness of the European market and the need for both young people and businesses to face the real demands for new skills , greater knowledge of other languages and more mobility in moving throughout other countries .
13 In 1920 Birkenhead put forward both lines of argument when he argued for greater coalition cooperation in the press .
14 During the budget debate many deputies argued for heavier spending on public works projects to cut unemployment , rather than the introduction of measures to reduce the budget deficit .
15 Women writers of the period as well as sympathetic men argued for better education as a means of improving the lot of women .
16 A trade agreement provided for a reduction of customs duties on goods traded by the two countries ( thus extending most favoured nation status to the Soviet Union and improving the competitiveness of each country 's goods in the other 's markets ) ; the agreement also provided for better copyright protection for US companies and for reductions in the time US companies would have to wait for approval to begin commercial operations in the Soviet Union .
17 In line with the terms of the agreement the government announced a supplementary budget on April 2 , which provided for further tax cuts and increases in the subsidies on agricultural produce and house building .
18 ( Later advice in the Dictionary suggested budding on the robust Frankfurt Rose for greater strength . )
19 But in the end , even she could delay it no longer and reluctantly , she headed for Lower Axe .
20 We literally saw the whales heading into the sunset as they swam towards deeper water .
21 In the South East developable land is scarce and there is a powerful environmental lobby ranged against further development of what is already perceived as a congested and overheated local economy .
22 Lipski made the point that these and other examples of anti-Polish sentiment occurred with greater frequency in the areas bordering the Polish Corridor than they did in other parts of Germany .
23 But I moved into cheaper digs near the hospital and did manage to keep the second-hand Austin Seven I had bought five years previously .
24 Slowly the tension eased as we realised that we were going to make it ; we exchanged jokes , we moved with greater confidence .
25 Much of this land consists of small hilly grass fields divided by strips of woodland called shaws , intermixed with larger areas of woodland .
26 Under 2* and 3* policies , guns and firearms are covered for standard perils but excluded under Wider Cover for Sports Equipment .
27 If you once dabbled with older types of Basic such as GWBASIC , ABASIC , or even BBC or Spectrum Basic then you will love Qbasic 's advanced easy-to-use features .
28 Shadows have lengthened stealthily in the course of The Bellarosa Connection , gathering for what Martin Amis described in later Bellow as ‘ last things , leave-taking , and final lucidities ’ , and at the close there is a quietly affecting image of the narrator setting down his story , alone .
29 It could be gathered by inshore divers down to ten metres and where necessary dredged from greater depths by nets weighed down by heavy timber frames .
30 But again , see again cos we 're not following the actual script , the picking up and pinpointing people mentioned in earlier conversations , which you would 've done if you 'd 've gone back to the planning the future .
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