Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I distinctly asked for it bien done . ’
2 Surely no tide could have them if they clasped hands and fled from it side by side .
3 The plane bumped to a halt , the engine coughed and died , and two figures in leather flying helmets swung out of the open cockpit and came towards them arm in arm .
4 Ian came with us part of the way , so we took two cars and left ours at the finishing point and Ian 's at the entrance to the track .
5 actually I , the dose that I had to take , I cut them down to see how it would go but , I must admit , I suffered from it Doctor ,
6 He came to me time after time , as useless as a surcharged phonograph — drunk on Byron , Shelley , or Keats .
7 Even so it would be nice to have an indication on the screen that this command prompt came to you courtesy of Windows .
8 These and other similar resonances seemed to me hand-fashioned for Johnson 's interest — but time and again , no comment .
9 It seemed to us nonsense that the benefit system should be duplicating the role of educational provision in that way .
10 But I left in a hurry because the piglets ' mother did n't approve of a stranger wandering among her brood and she came at me open-mouthed , barking explosively .
11 And just filled a net basket of eggs and put it down in the in the water and the water flowed through it kind of .
12 In the following year , however , a plot was hatched by the English and their supporters , which regained for them control of the city .
13 I 've got to think — if anything happened to me mother , say she were to pass away tonight — I 've no job and nothing coming in at all , only perhaps interest from savings which would n't keep me …
14 In my view our fellow Members , who lived with us cheek by jowl , were fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses and were unlikely to be impressed by pictures of me on their TV screens dressed in a striped apron and pretending to wash up in the kitchen , as had happened during the Tory leadership election .
15 He was no longer a beadle but the manager of the workhouse , and his wife , formerly Mrs Corney , scolded and argued with him day and night .
16 She did not respond to this , but stared at him , until he spoke again , saying , ‘ I 'd have been along before now , but I heard about me father the very day when we last spoke , and so I had to go off straightaway to Newcastle .
17 David raised his head , and saw the two who walked towards him hand in hand .
18 To feel the cloud that hung over us lift and disperse — the cloud that dulled the heart and made happiness no more than a memory !
19 Then I just rushed out of the pub and started runnin' , then you got in me way and knocked me over and sprained me ankle . ’
20 So me went down dere an " me called for me spar dem and " im come along wiv me and " e … an " " e check some woman down there , y'know check some skirt — jus ' grind up some daughter y'know , smoke weed an " t'ing .
21 He had sent for Philip who had raced up from Wales to coach and instruct this miraculous son in a great Shakespearian role to be performed in an Oxford college before an audience of West End luminaries ( Gielgud , Terence Rattigan ) : ‘ We worked on it line by line , hour after hour , into the early morning …
22 Tragic father died for us vicar
23 The chairman requested that the departmental reports be considered one by one and the governors went through it section by section , specific comments being made at particular stages .
24 Percy Feilding fell for it hook , line and sinker and ended by buying this , the most perfect small Tudor house in Oxfordshire .
25 I thought about it day and night .
26 Dot , and the , that was the first time I ever went with you darling , do you realise that ?
27 I went with you lot .
28 JACs and juvenile employment committees also made use of COS methodology and volunteers , who brought with them experience of working with young people .
29 When they were away , there was always the worry that they would never come back but when they got home , they always brought with them gossip of other places and other people .
30 ‘ It brought with it tree branches and all sorts of rubbish . ’
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