Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] last [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This must put the Canadian health minister in a similar position to Britain 's Kenneth Clarke , when his advisory committee recommended that last year Depo-Provera should get a licence .
2 ‘ A very bright 17-year-old pupil of mine got pregnant last year , the result of a one-night stand at a party .
3 AMSTRAD , the consumer electronics company , yesterday revealed that last year 's failed takeover bid by its chairman , Alan Sugar , had cost it £1.1 million .
4 I realized that last night 's rice wine , followed by Doogie 's steak cooked in Glenfiddich and then more Glenfiddich , had left my cranial suspension system shot to pieces , but he was definitely going over the top .
5 In his version of Pearl published in 1975 Tolkien translated that last line as ‘ We meet on our roads by chance so rare ’ , but probably ‘ We meet so seldom by stock or by stone ’ is better .
6 A package of new loans made public last week reveals that the nation will move away from its traditional hunting ground of French-speaking Africa , where it has always had a science presence , and towards English-speaking and Latin American nations and the Far East .
7 The minister , who had radically restructured French research and technology , actually handed in his resignation on 2 February after a clash with President Francois Mitterrand — but it only became public last week .
8 It became clear last night that the separation agreement was only reached after her demands had been met in full .
9 ‘ I suppose she made this last night , ’ said one of the men .
10 Cos I got some last night .
11 He pronounced this last word as if it denoted something unpleasant .
12 Now again I mentioned this last week , the idea of introducing schoolchildren at a very young age to different countries and different cultures so that in fact when they come to go on holiday on their own or with a partner it holds no fear for them unlike , if you like , senior citizens might do .
13 It was n't like that for us , ’ or ‘ I do n't think this 'll work , ’ or ‘ I tried this last Tuesday week , ’ or something like that .
14 ELECTION fever again and the main thing many voters found off-putting last time still troubles them today : the leadership of the Labour Party .
15 Ms Pitt-Kethley is , of course , the saucy poet and author of TOO HOT TO HANDLE , and you will no doubt recall that Ms Cummin , 74 year old author of THE LOVE QUEST , posed topless last year for the SUNDAY SPORT .
16 Although they struggled for long periods against the same Turkey side England beat 4-0 last month , Graham Taylor — watching from the stands — said : ‘ Of the three results possible , this was the worst one .
17 Neil and Audrey Moir , who live in Hewitson Road , were forced to have their telephone number listed ex-directory last year due to their son 's success .
18 She tried one last thrust .
19 Mahmoud tried one last way .
20 Paul tried one last shot .
21 He smiled and hurried to the escalator , scuttling up the moving stairway towards street level , finally emerging into the ticket hall ; As he passed through he cast one last glance behind him to assure himself he was free of pursuers .
22 The sides drew 1-1 last week after Steve Cannon had equalised for Town in the last minute .
23 Eugene Forster paused , raised one of his bushy eyebrows , then slowly and deliberately , with the wisdom of previous experience , finished the whisky , drew one last time on the cigar then plunged it with a hiss into the water , before he took the ‘ phone .
24 Pirelli first approached Continental last September to propose a transfer of Pirelli 's tyre operations to Continental .
25 A computer enthusiast in Britain used one last week to run off a copy of a £35 program in a little over four minutes .
26 She earlier proclaimed that last October would be the end of life on earth .
27 He ignored that last question .
28 Eleanor ignored that last piece of advice .
29 ‘ In death , as in this life , I defy the Jews who caused this last war , and I defy the power of darkness which they represent .
30 This came fresh last week from their labs in Birmingham — just by the detergents factory …
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