Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's disgusting , ’ contributed Mrs Harper from time to time , presenting her flat , mean , worthless little counter simply because she could not bear to remain silent , to sit back where others played , although she recognized herself temporarily outnumbered , ‘ disgusting , I call it , ’ and Shirley , hearing this phrase for the millionth time , had a vision of households all over Britain in which censorious , ignorant old bags like her mother-in-law , who had never done anything for the public good , who had nothing positive ever to contribute to any argument , passed judgement on others while stuffing themselves with goose and roast potatoes and sprouts and apple sauce .
2 State law could not provide discipline because it met resistance from consciences .
3 During 1893 Captain Sykes became Chairman of Governors , and found himself almost immediately contributing to the " substantial repairs " needed to the buildings .
4 Pushers were already selling to children and crime would soar as addicts sought money for drugs .
5 They were rocket propelled bombs with wings that enabled them to be launched and to fly in a straight line until the rocket fuel was used up , then to fall on the unfortunate people and buildings below .
6 At the age of sixty-eight Ingres made copies of masterpieces .
7 Most of the Elizabethan and Jacobean amateurs who collected his music made copies of parts or all of it , and Byrd himself selected it for his first ( 1589 ) book of cantiones sacrae , along with pieces of the stature of ‘ Ne irascaris ’ , ‘ Tristitia et anxietas ’ , ‘ O quam gloriosum ’ and ‘ Vigilate ’ .
8 Banks like Childs and Hoares received the rents from the estates , made investments in stocks and collected dividends for their landed clients .
9 The strike was called off on July 15 , when the opposition met Ratsiraka for talks , but their dissatisfaction with the results prompted a resumption of strike action and the announcement that a retired general , Jean Rakotoharison , had been appointed president of the opposition provisional government , with Albert Zafy as prime minister .
10 because she asked loads of questions !
11 Held , allowing the application , that since section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 made provision for persons arrested for breaking bail conditions , or on the likelihood of their so doing , to be brought before a single justice , it was an enactment falling within the exception contemplated by section 121 of the Act of 1980 which , in any event , was limited to summary trials of informations and the hearing of complaints under the civil jurisdiction ; that Parliament had intended by section 7(4) to create a simple and expeditious procedure whereby a justice was required , before forming an opinion under section 7(5) , to conduct no more than an informal inquiry , hearing the arresting officer 's grounds for belief that the person had broken or might break his bail conditions and allowing that person to respond , but without the giving of evidence on oath or cross-examination ; and that , since the provisions of the Act of 1980 relating to the adjournment of proceedings before magistrates ' courts did not apply , there was no power in the justice to adjourn proceedings under section 7(5) ( post , pp. 24A , G — 25B , C–G , 26B , E–F , H — 27A , G–H ) .
12 Although the Constitution made provision for referenda , there had never previously been any exercise of this kind .
13 In addition , it defined the responsibilities and rights of parents ; established the Scottish Examination Board to conduct Scottish Certificate of Education ( SCE ) examinations ; set up committees for negotiating teachers ' pay settlements , laying down procedures for arbitration where agreement could not be reached ; and made provision for children with special educational needs .
14 There are at least three different types of screw threaded necks on bottles , and each needs a specific closure in order to form a seal with the top of the bottle , otherwise the bottle leaks .
15 The price includes en-suite accommodation , chalet maid service , nonstop entertainment , swimming pools , sports facilities and planned activities for children of all ages .
16 As a result of this progress , Charles divided Saxony into countships for civil rule , giving office not only to Frankish favourites and able governors , but also to Saxon chieftains .
17 Life insurers sold policies with yields which could easily be paid in a rising stockmarket but not when it falls .
18 Personal communications services are bursting out all over in the US and three Baby Bells this week announced plans for trials of new services .
19 In his first address to the UN since taking office , United States President George Bush on Sept. 25 made proposals for cuts in chemical weapons , saying that the United States would begin elimination of 60 per cent or 98 per cent of its chemical weapons respectively , provided the Soviet Union cut its own stockpile to an equal level or eliminated it completely ; and that the USA would destroy all its chemical weapons within 10 years if the countries capable of producing such weapons signed a total ban treaty .
20 Not in the same way that I knew of his brother , who made money in biscuits and owned a gleaming Daimler car which he drove very cautiously over the potholes in the road outside our house .
21 Scathach slung canvases between trees that surged and shuddered .
22 ‘ When our case was originally rejected we got calls from authorities all over the country saying ‘ What 's going on ? ’ . ’
23 Attas visited Jordan on Sept. 10 , 1989 , and made progress in talks with Oman in early February 1990 on resolving the issue of border demarcation which had affected relations hitherto .
24 An EC-EFTA meeting on Dec. 19 made progress in discussions on the European Economic Area or EEA ( the term now adopted in preference to " European Economic Space " or EES — see pp. 37134 ; 37535 ) , and it was anticipated that these EC-EFTA talks would now reach a conclusion by mid-1992 such that an EEA agreement could go through the various ratification processes and take effect on Jan. 1 , 1993 .
25 At an informal meeting in Apeldoorn , the Netherlands , on the weekend of Sept. 21-22 the 12 Finance Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) together with their central bank presidents made progress in negotiations on economic and monetary union ( EMU ) , agreeing that the decision on the start of " stage three " should be made by unanimous agreement of all 12 heads of state and government , rather than by majority decision .
26 When I caddy for Matt he made loads of putts , it 's was well cool .
27 This lent money to banks , insurance companies , agricultural credit institutions and railroads .
28 John Bryan and topless Fergie exchanged tender glances and whispered confidences like lovers do .
29 I paid in gold coins and got change in jewels , amethysts in gold mounts .
30 Mr first laid plans of mice and men is one page missing as it is only twenty five metres away and I shall have it shortly .
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