Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] over the " in BNC.

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61 Helen had taken over the ‘ Returned Books ’ counter temporarily from one of the juniors and looked up to find him standing in front of her , smiling .
62 During 1795–6 she engaged in a one-sided correspondence with the radical William Godwin , who had taken over the role vacated by Eccles .
63 The Hamadan clan , like the Jafaars , had been involved in a losing struggle against the Syrian cartel ever since Rifat Assad and Monzer al-Kassar had taken over the Bekaa Valley in 1975 with the help of the Syrian Army .
64 He had taken over the management of his sister 's bakery .
65 Roshanara Begum , the Lady Macbeth of Delhi , had taken over the position vacated by Jahanara Begum : chief of the Imperial Harem .
66 In the 23 August 1968 issue of It the plug was provided , next to news that Knullar had taken over the It workers ' co-operative .
67 César Gavira Trujillo , 43 , who had held office as Finance Minister and Interior Minister under the current President , Virgilio Barco Vargas , and who had taken over the election campaign of Luis Carlos Galán Sarmineto after the latter 's assassination on Aug. 18 , 1989 [ see p. 36844 ] , received an estimated 60 per cent of the vote and comfortably defeated his five rivals .
68 Nevertheless , it was officially reported that on Aug. 17 three Croatian police helicopters which had been dispatched to Gracac , a town near Knin where Serbs had taken over the police station and were distributing arms , had been intercepted en route by two Yugoslav air force jets and forced back to base .
69 The town was the capital of the central Afghanistan province of Urozgan , and mujaheddin sources reported that they had taken over the administration of the entire province following the defection of its governor , its chief of police , and Tarin Kot 's garrison of 500 .
70 Jan. 27 USC broadcasts statement on Radio Mogadishu announcing that it had taken over the government .
71 The Serbs had taken over the park , one of Croatia 's main tourist attractions , several days earlier , and had proclaimed its incorporation into their " Autonomous Region " .
72 The three announced that they had taken over the leadership of the SPLA and accused Garang , who had led the organization since its creation in 1983 , of dictatorial behaviour .
73 The opposition Fiji Labour National Federation Parties , led by Adi Kuini Bavadra ( the widow of the ousted Prime Minister who had taken over the party leadership after her husband 's death from cancer in 1989 ) , denounced the Constitution as racist and anti-democratic and announced its refusal to participate in elections held under its auspices .
74 The borders of the former Soviet Union were currently guarded by the Committee for the Protection of State Borders with Joint Command of Border Troops , which had taken over the KGB 's responsibility for border troops , as approved by the Soviet of the Republics at its meeting on Dec. 3 .
75 Mugica was reputed to be a Marxist Leninist who had taken over the ETA leadership after the killing of his less hardline predecessor , Eduardo Moreno Bergaretxe , in 1976 [ see p. 28087 ] .
76 The bank had taken over the shares of the owners of the Art-B company when they were arrested for fraud in August 1991 [ see p. 38399 ] and was said to owe 6,000,000 million zlotys ( $430 million ) to the central bank ( NBP ) .
77 It was announced on May 9 that the government of Byelarus had taken over the former Soviet troops in the Byelorussian Military District .
78 In Reggio Calabria , where a government commissioner had taken over the city council following the arrest in July of 25 of its 50 members on corruption charges , a further 22 people including three parliamentary deputies were arrested on Sept. 7 .
79 Yakovlev had been editor of Moskovskiye novosti , a newspaper which had extended the boundaries of freedom of speech during the perestroika period , and had taken over the chairmanship of All-Union Television and Radio ( which became Ostankino in December 1991 " see p. 38655 ) in August 1991 after the failed coup [ see p. 38372 ] .
80 One twelve-hour shift had knocked off and a new one had taken over the duties of maintaining the platform 's complex equipment .
81 Most of the city was aflame , and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs .
82 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
83 The Regatta chairman talks about the way hospitality had taken over the regatta course and howm glad they are that it seems to be declining .
84 Mattan , who had taken over the yellow jersey from Lillywhite in Leicester on Saturday , started yesterday 33 seconds ahead of Lillywhite but had dropped to fourth place overall by the end of the day .
85 McCoist , who had taken over the captaincy from the injured Richard Gough , shrugged his shoulders and said : ‘ We 've grown used to all those injuries and learned to accept them .
86 Elsham signalbox is situated in a very remote part of the Lincolnshire countryside and thus evokes more strange happenings that baffled John Daubney when he had to take over the box as a relief signalman .
87 On top of everything else , my line had to take over the Cross at the foot of the hill .
88 Jonas , said that you 'd — er — had to take over the family business when you were very young , ’ she offered tensely .
89 There was no rule of the charity that the accused had to hand over the notes and coins received or to maintain a separate fund .
90 Somewhat reluctantly Mountbatten agreed to hand over the administration in Burma the following month .
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