Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] them by " in BNC.

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1 Now , belatedly , they tried to take them by force , an exercise in which they failed despite the loss of tens of thousands of irreplaceable soldiers .
2 Men tried to burn the distaffs while the women tried to stop them by throwing buckets of water .
3 Dismissing all but a single guard who was burdened with a lantern on a pole , he began to lead them by the bridges and passageways which cut across the streets in a way which was arguably more direct and certainly less likely to be barred by persistent celebrants .
4 He managed to rout them by tearing his clothes off and setting them to sail down a river , then blocking the river with a mighty boulder .
5 Reynolds sought to unite them by avoiding unnecessary controversy .
6 The bagman-fox , now on home ground , had delayed them by running up a long culvert .
7 The winter had caught them by surprise .
8 King John , they said , had granted them by charter the right to pasture their animals and to take housebote and firebote in Lonsdale Forest without payment , but they had lost the charter during the disturbances at the end of his reign .
9 We were using the UK schedule when we said to expect them by the end of this month .
10 Airport police confirmed Demeke had gone through security checks , dismissing reports that he had avoided them by transferring from an Oslo flight .
11 The Sheikh had crossed them by camel as a boy ; then as a young man with a wife and small children , including the boy at my side , he had camped overnight on one side of the range waiting for the engines of his jeeps to cool before grinding inch by inch , around and over .
12 Noverre distinguished his dancers by their particular physiques and personalities , whereas Weaver had judged them by their ability to act .
13 Although a number of embassies in Kuwait had defied the Iraqi orders that they should close by Aug.24 [ see p. 37639 ] , all but a dozen ( including the USA , Canada and eight EC countries ) had abandoned them by Aug. 12 because of conditions there .
14 and then I had to work with these people and I knew that that was the kind of way that they were operating and I had to teach them by the way I worked but in fact it was okay to admit that we do make mistakes .
15 The wind was still as vicious but the thunder had passed them by and the voice of the seas changed , waves breaking over the catamaran with less force .
16 Headed by the USSR President and comprising as before the Presidents of the union republics , but with the addition of the USSR Vice-President and the Presidents of the 20 autonomous republics * ; upgraded from a consultative to an executive body , responsible for co-ordinating the work of the central and republican governments , ensuring observance of the Union Treaty , and resolving inter-ethnic and inter-republican disputes ; Council resolutions needed a two-thirds majority , and were binding on the President ( who had to enact them by decree ) and on all republics .
17 We had to placate them by appearing in what they thought was acceptable guise .
18 It was Poland who had initiated them by repeated acts of racial and territorial aggression .
19 Joseph 's special robe ( 3 ) : Joseph 's brothers saw this as a sign that Isaac intended to pass them by and make Joseph his heir ( see 48:21–22 and 49:22ff . ) .
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