Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The IMF , however , taking into account another failure in the June test , suspended further drawdowns and negotiations commenced on the conditions for further assistance , expected to include a further devaluation .
2 THE Queen 's speech to the nation at the end of her ‘ annus horribilis ’ failed to attract a larger audience than normal yesterday .
3 On May 2 the European Communities ( EC ) pledged US$12,000,000 and on May 14 agreed to provide a further US$67,000,000 in emergency aid .
4 A critical examination of the Soviet past , as in Andreeva 's letter , was a necessary part of perestroika in that it helped to provide a better , clearer picture of the way forward .
5 Stella tried to imagine a younger Lily giving Uncle Vernon cause for jealousy .
6 That idea I soon modified to incorporate a smaller actor , thinking it would be better if we lost the human size similarity altogether .
7 In the light of the excessive technicality seen here , it is little wonder that Lord Wilberforce in Reardon Smith Line Ltd , and the House of Lords in Ashington Piggeries proposed giving a narrower scope to s13 , confining it to matters of identification .
8 I tried to get a better grip but to my horror my fingers began to run down the door like melting plasticine as I watched from my perilous vantage point .
9 In the UK it is easy to form the impression that if you tried to get a closer look at something like this someone in a uniform would break both of your legs .
10 One of the pulsar 's original discoverers , Stanislav Djorjovski , reported finding a brighter star coinciding with the pulsar last November .
11 He bent to get a closer look at one drawing that had been fixed lower than the others , as if the teacher had somehow tried to segregate it off and pretend that it was n't part of the display .
12 ‘ Who ? ’ asked the Sheikh and rose to get a better look .
13 The second quarter promised to show a further profit on both Charlie 's enterprises , and he warned Becky that he had his eye on the butcher 's shop , since the owner 's only boy had lost his life at Passchendaele .
14 More recently liquid CO&sub2 ; has been used and found to achieve a better extract with no risk of solvent contamination .
15 What about if you 'd received a harsher sentence ?
16 Just as the shrines of martyrs and saints came to define a sacred topography of holy places within and around a town , so the sites of the New ( and , for that matter , the Old ) Testament stories came to define a larger sacred geography .
17 The one with the fine stripes looked slightly flashier , but he 'd made a better ironing job of the plain one .
18 I also thought I 'd written a better poem because I 'd struggled with the voice , forced myself to hear it again in my mind and to reply to it .
19 He said he 'd hung a papier mâché tray in its place so she 'd not feel the absence of the picture .
20 I wish they 'd got a bigger one .
21 ‘ Well , goodbye , ’ he finished conventionally ; ‘ I wish you 'd had a better day . ’
22 He would have enjoyed the odd weekend in Brighton away from the pressures of London life , if only she 'd had a bigger flat .
23 My mouth felt as if I 'd swallowed a cheesegrater and my scalp had suddenly acquired radioactive dandruff .
24 It was said that he 'd refused a smaller plan just because it was near his own home at Naunton in the Cotswolds
25 ‘ We 'd hired a camper van to get around ’ , Nigel explains .
26 ‘ We 'd hired a camper van to get around , ’ Nigel explains .
27 We really thought we 'd found a quicker way to get copies to our distant subscribers .
28 Another successful task accomplished meant a further two thousand American dollars deposited in his Tel Aviv bank account , waiting for when he finally obtained his exit visa and could flee to the new homeland .
29 Again the drone of the plane seemed to echo a deeper unease , which again came to the surface of her mind .
30 Densan tended initially to limit managerial discretion much more and thus seemed to offer a better alternative for labour .
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