Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His widow , Jeanne , held the Joinvilles ' English lands but , like Aymer de Valence , agreed to renounce her claim to a part of the Lusignan inheritance ( 1308–10 ) , although she held four Poitevin and Limousin lordships in reversion until her death in April 1323 .
2 This was an obvious choice made to evade her concern .
3 Ms Alexander , calling on Mrs Bottomley to meet a delegation of parents , said : ‘ Although it was Beverly Allitt who committed these crimes , my concern is that the hospital management failed to spot her character defects , failed to supervise her and failed to act on numerous clues , and delayed inexcusably before calling in the police .
4 The woman looked around the yard as if she expected to see her daughter emerge from one of the doors or from behind a pile of rubbish .
5 Mary Moore , 17 , of Chatham , Kent , was starved of oxygen after doctors failed to diagnose her presence in the womb .
6 Miss Norma Scott , aged 23 , failed to report her mother 's death because she did not want the council to discover the squalid conditions at her home in Bilsmoor Avenue , Newcastle upon Tyne .
7 On Remembrance Sunday last year strangers came up to Irene in the street and asked to shake her hand .
8 She sought to hide her nervousness with levity .
9 That er that 's got the greengrocers , she got to know her daughter 's phone number and phoned round for her
10 Her friends in the West were told that she would be beaten until they stopped publicizing her case .
11 Mortified , Maudie tried to silence her son .
12 Robyn swallowed , tried to steady her voice .
13 He also promised to promote her son , then studying at Cambridge , to appropriate benefices and to make other benefactions .
14 He also promised to promote her son , then studying at Cambridge , to appropriate benefices and to make other benefactions .
15 There was a smell of lemon like bath-salts and she could hear the slap , slap , slap of flesh against flesh as somebody tried to stimulate her circulation .
16 Donna tried to quicken her pace , hoping the conductor would do likewise .
17 A woman 's laughter rang out and Caroline flushed and tried to quicken her step , but the man beside her would not match it .
18 Smiling to herself , she listened to the hissed shushing that ensued as Mrs B. tried to impart her news .
19 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
20 She bent to retrieve her bag from where it had fallen under the seat and saw the parcel which made her heart sink .
21 Over breakfast on the day following Nora 's departure , Louise tried to encourage her niece .
22 Conscious that her feet were bare and her ankles in full view , she constantly tried to adjust her skirt to cover more of her ankles and yet keep the material out of the water .
23 Sometimes he tried to catch her style in scraps of speech that he wrote in a notebook , because she had often told him to listen to the way strangers talked and to keep a record of conversations overheard in the Underground .
24 During a lull , when for once nothing seemed to have fallen under the machine , she tried to catch her attention .
25 She tried to shake her head , but found she was pressed so hard against the stack behind her that movement was impossible .
26 Sophie said shortly , ‘ I 'm sure she will , ’ then relapsed into silence and tried to hide her apprehension as she thought of the task that lay ahead .
27 She blinked and tried to hide her longing for him .
28 He rose to his feet , making it clear the question was rhetorical , as Gina , feeling as humiliated as if he had actually slapped her face , tried to hide her chagrin by swallowing the remains of her coffee .
29 Breeze tried to hide her dismay .
30 She tried to hide her disappointment .
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