Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On trying to contact Mr by phone I have on many occasions I was put off to say he was n't available I have also come to the foyer at the bottom asked to see Mr after twenty minutes wait and nobody turned up I decided to retire .
2 First , it sought to strip Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction ; next , it authorized international humanitarian relief inside Iraq for the Kurds ; and finally , it contemplated limited sales of oil to finance innocuous causes such as essential imports , the payment of reparations and the cost of maintaining a UN inspection team .
3 The Hungarian Democratic Forum ( HDF or MDF ) , whose leader Jozsef Antall was formally invited on May 3 to seek to form a government , agreed to support Göncz in the eventual presidential elections ; meanwhile the ( HDF ) First Deputy Speaker , György Szabad , would be acting Speaker while Göncz acted as interim President .
4 When he dropped short outside off stump there would be mutterings that Wilfred was never cut in his entire career ; if he failed to bowl Yorkshire to victory on a wearing pitch , grumblings would be heard that Wardle would have had them out by tea .
5 Nicholas , in the course of these encounters , failed to meet John of Kinloch whose regard for him , he rather feared , would be unaltered .
6 In return US Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , agreed to provide Israel with equipment , materials and technology to research and develop new weapons .
7 China also agreed to provide Vietnam with an interest-free loan equivalent to US$14,000,000 .
8 Although Essex finally agreed to provide Thomas with special teaching in a state school , his parents are dissatisfied with the quality of tuition on offer and have appealed for help from Mr Clarke , Education Secretary .
9 Bill O'Reilly has told me how he got to know Jardine in later tours of England as a cricketer and writer .
10 He first got to know Minton through his parents while studying painting at Chelsea Polytechnic .
11 I got to know Rosemary before Basil ; she was my Art Adviser in my earliest days of teaching and how fortunate I was to have such encouragement , support and stimulation .
12 Now this fellow had a very attractive girlfriend called Midge " md I got to know Midge through my predescessor , about the time I was due to leave No 7 Squadron and go to Bennett 's headquarters .
13 The low murmur of conversation in the hotel 's sun lounge was like the crashing of waves to Kelly as she entered to see Annie at a corner table .
14 Assuming a special relationship towards central and east European countries , the Council expressed support for economic reforms and democratic developments in Yugoslavia and promised to support Hungary in its efforts to move towards democracy , stability and economic development in the framework of the Group of 24 , particularly as regards energy problems , and promising the immediate disbursement of the second tranche of an EC loan ( of US$1,000 million ) .
15 Good humour helped to see Victor through his prolonged ill health , caused by a lung complaint which led ultimately to a transplant operation from which he did not recover .
16 Rohmer tried to hit Cardiff in the face with his other free fist , but Cardiff was expecting it .
17 The buildings referred to include Holmwood at Cathcart , which was built between 1857 and 1859 and has been described as a priceless national treasure .
18 Gerald rose to greet Charles in typical style .
19 His persistent returns to the fray helped to drive Thomson to an early grave-though not before he had succeeded in getting Palmer promoted out of Nigeria .
20 The closest moral and practical precedent for what is needed is the Marshall Plan by which the US helped to restore Europe in the years after the Second World War .
21 I tried to see Liz about that last week , but that 's anyway , but , but
22 Mountbatten tried to tempt Bogyoke with the post of Deputy Inspector-General and the British rank of Brigadier : he was too shrewd to be side-tracked in that way .
23 When he , with others , helped to launch WWF in 1961 , great numbers of people were waiting for it and anxious to help .
24 Nudity was now presented on stage and one producer tried to coax Jane into leaving Tiller for this work .
25 He tried to tackle Gina about it , hinting that a young man like him needed sex from someone if he could n't get it at home .
26 Saddam Hussein rose to rule Iraq in succession to a cousin from the Takriti clans , and depended upon cousins and near relatives to consolidate his hold on power .
27 Germany and Austria-Hungary promised to help Italy against a French attack , and Italy promised Germany help against the same danger .
28 He tried to persuade Dawn to ‘ take a run at her throws ’ , despite her protestations that simply standing up and walking required constant mental effort on her part .
29 Clinton , Throgmorton and the rest tried to draw Benjamin into conversation as we went up the main steps of the chateau .
30 Berengaria promised to leave Alfonso in 1204 and the pope legitimized the children .
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