Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] about " in BNC.

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1 " I hear that Miss Potts asked to see you about next year 's work , " said Miss Haines .
2 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
3 He pretended to know nothing about what happened between us . ’
4 I bought her some lunch and while Werewolf flirted , I tried to pump her about Pegasus Farm and the operation there .
5 And we tried to do something about the problem of alcoholism and prostitution in the area by getting the bars and brothels registered with the local government .
6 He tried asking her about herself , but she had a knack of averting his questions with an apparently bashful stammer , looking at him with kohl-lined eyes that rolled around like the globules in a bricklayer 's balance .
7 He tried to educate them about the nature of demythologizing , a word of which the press had got hold , and to guide them about the best modern writing on the New Testament .
8 He tried to say something about being very happy ; his voice very strained .
9 When Ludens tried to ask him about his ‘ thoughts ’ , he replied that he had ‘ difficulties ’ which they might discuss ‘ later on ’ .
10 As I was typing these words , a young friend phoned to tell me about the wonderful summer holiday he had just had with his father .
11 ‘ She 's the neighbour who phoned to tell us about Aunt Bertha , ’ Lucy whispered to Silas .
12 I tried to tell her about the horrible man on the doorstep but she would n't listen .
13 She wished she had listened when Doc Threadneedle tried to tell her about her brain .
14 He had no news of John , but once we had overcome an initial awkwardness , he tried to tell us about his experience .
15 Elizabeth : Elizabeth , a young woman who lives with her sister in a remote and primitive cottage in the Welsh mountains , came to see me about an infestation of scabies .
16 I dare n't have done if I had n't er oh oh I know once my my doctor came to see me about something and there was erm a lot of people used to use er some pills oh what were they called , little round pills , when at the monthly periods they used to use them , oh Doctor Johnson 's , Doctor somebody 's pills , now they would have the effect of er your period you would see more than you usually did .
17 I think that the hon. Gentleman 's colleague , the hon. Member for Antrim , North ( Rev. Ian Paisley ) came to see me about one of the cases to which he refers .
18 ‘ I came to see you about some notes I sent your husband .
19 They had interviewed a man from Bombay who claimed to have a degree in physics but turned out to be a defrocked dentist , and they had nearly offered a job to a man from Sri Lanka who seemed to know everything about the school apart from the fact that it was supposed to be for Muslims .
20 In a car outside these youngsters seemed to know something about the vandalism .
21 Unlike Karelius and Fräulein Müller , the Frenchman seemed to know nothing about the opera or even the rudiments of music .
22 The Director seemed to know nothing about the College .
23 Elaine did n't register my birth before she gave me to Mum , and no one seemed to know anything about her , or where she was from .
24 She 'd said something about being careful with her blood sugar ; nothing as serious as diabetes , but something she had to watch .
25 April might have forbidden Wee Charlie to have any more lemonade , but she 'd said nothing about sweets .
26 on other occasions , he would appear at society functions wearing a chunky-knit pullover and a pair of slacks — in defiant protest over what he might have termed ‘ the folly of fashion ’ ( if he 'd said anything about it ) .
27 Who 'd said anything about marriage ?
28 on other occasions , he would appear at society functions wearing a chunky-knit pullover and a pair of slacks — in defiant protest over what he might have termed ‘ the folly of fashion ’ ( if he 'd said anything about it ) .
29 I did n't think we 'd done anything about that this year .
30 He seemed to remember something about her , something which took him back into a happy past , before decision made his life difficult .
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