Example sentences of "[coord] often [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The statues ( a late example , fig. 72 ) seem always to have been undifferentiated kouroi or korai , but the stelai , perhaps because low relief belongs essentially to narrative art , show the dead man bearded or beardless and often as warrior or athlete .
2 This , however , is one of those voyages in which ultimately , and often without warning , the traveller confronts himself .
3 In speaking of the works of others I referred to that disposition to be dissatisfied which the public have sometimes with and often without reason evinced .
4 This entailed a dual arrangement : an ordained regular abbot ( i.e. a monk , one who followed a regula , or rule ) ran the community 's liturgical work and day-to-day upkeep from the inside , while , from the outside , a lay aristocrat assumed control of the community 's landed endowment along with responsibility both for the military service owed to the king from the men beneficed on the monastery 's lands , and often for hospitality at the monastery for the king and his entourage .
5 Funds are used for start-ups , for expansion and second stage growth , and often for management buyouts of an existing company .
6 The organization had long been seen as a forum for developing countries to press their interests and often for confrontation between developing and developed countries .
7 They won because Gloucester , brave and energetic and often on top in the second half , took too long to close down on the former Eire winger Jeff Chandler .
8 Limits are normally imposed on organic pollution and solids per unit of volume and often on ammonia , while industrial discharges frequently have an acidity or alkalinity ( pH ) parameter .
9 We use examples in the textbook , and often on audio , which gives them the greater realism of different voices and sound effects .
10 A severe headache with nausea or vomiting , and often with disturbance of vision or sensitivity to light , typify a migraine .
11 The reason for this was that the fallen leaves blocked our sluice and had to be removed manually with a hay rake at least three times a day and often at night as well .
12 They were united across these dividing-lines by fundamental similarities of outlook and often of education .
13 They are a time of exploration , assertion , and challenge , and often of confusion , contradictions , and trauma .
14 BY DAY , and often by night , Dr Graham Tydeman is a reassuring registrar in obstetrics at Falkirk Royal Infirmary , calming down anxious mothers as they give birth .
15 It was still not much to say after the Holocaust and so many long centuries of discrimination by Christians , and often by Church authorities , against the Jews .
16 Either because those in power simply underestimated the potential for resistance or simply because they believed they could in the end over-ride such resistance , industrial companies in conjunction with waste disposal firms ( and often in collusion with state health regulatory agencies ) dumped indiscriminately and with disregard for human health and life . ’
17 So I think you 're right , it 's a very very important , erm , and , and often in life , you can find people switch from one to the other with astonishing speeds .
18 Jean is right now making a go of a job that is about caring for others and often in emergency situations .
19 Farm animals suffer too , during rearing , transport and often in slaughter .
20 Few Zambians other than Mr Vibetti questioned the use of government finance to subsidize a communications medium whose main output was then mostly imported and often in conflict with the values both of its audience and of the government that financed it .
21 Even more important , perhaps , in its effect upon class action is the attachment which individuals have always had to some tribal , ethnic , linguistic or national community , with which they identify their own interests , by contrast and often in conflict with other such communities .
22 For years Judaism was suppressed in the Soviet Union , practised behind closed doors , and often in fear .
23 The results are of doubtful relevance to clinical settings in which an uncertain — but usually larger — amount of drug has been taken after food and often in association with alcohol and other drugs .
24 These shared or duplicated responsibilities are unavoidable and often in fact are desirable because the process is one of mutual monitoring which usually improves reliability .
25 Reginald Bray , who was associated with the settlement movement in Camberwell , even seemed to doubt whether the youths needed to sleep , describing in 1904 how they would stay out on the streets ‘ until it is dark , and often in summer until dawn begins to break … the street and not the house ought probably to be regarded as the home ’ .
26 General warnings are usually given , but often as part of the introductory briefing given to holidaymakers on their arrival .
27 About thirty sub-adult tigers there were darted and fitted with radio collars so that their movements could be monitored , sometimes from a light aircraft but often from elephant back !
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