Example sentences of "[coord] because [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Women are becoming more prone to alcohol dependence , either through similar career demands or because of loneliness , boredom or the heavy demands made by family and older relatives .
2 From the moment they seek training — whether voluntarily or because of benefit withdrawal — to the day they leave .
3 Many cities are sinking either because of natural land movement or because of water extraction from beneath the city .
4 During the late 1940s and early 1950s the Communist movement was further weakened by splits in the parties of Mexico , Venezuela , Colombia , Argentina , Bolivia , Peru and Brazil — mostly over the questions of local tactics discussed above or because of rivalry for the party leadership .
5 He went no further either because of ideological conservatism , or because of lack of courage of his convictions .
6 ‘ In many cases , a good business opportunity is not bankable because of lack of security or because of lack of personal finance .
7 It may not be a good reason to us , but they must have had a good reason to do it , either family-wise or tension-wise , or because of life in general .
8 However , this does not take account of the fact that some of the housing stock will be vacant for frictional reasons , or because of government policy , or its unattractiveness , or use as second homes : furthermore , some dwellings may be unfit , lacking amenities or requiring substantial repairs — in England alone two million had at least one of these physical problems in 1981 ( English House Condition Survey , 1982 , p. 3 ) .
9 Possibly caused by swallowing air to relieve nausea , or because of constipation .
10 The League proposes that games can only be switched from Saturday on police instructions or because of television commitments .
11 In the General Household Survey of 1981 , about 10 per cent of the registered unemployed declared that they were ‘ economically inactive ’ , mostly for reasons associated with their age , health or because of family or domestic responsibilities .
12 Where there has been a gang fight , as a result of which one of the participants is injured , it is sometimes impossible to prove who was responsible for causing the injury ( because of the general mêleé , and because of identification difficulties when the incident occurred at night ) .
13 However , others feel that , because of the speed of change and because of goal conflict between the professionals involved , educational planning is more difficult and has a political rather than rational dimension .
14 You know and I and I 've only recently really come to terms with how much tha those early songs were part of people 's upbringing and because of Love Hurts and everything people come up to me a lot in the street and we talk about the sixties and everything .
15 Stigma is attached to AIDS because of strong social disapproval of the ‘ risk activities ’ by which HIV is passed from person to person and because of ignorance and fear .
16 This is interesting , both because of the serious consequences of a mental health section , and because of concern expressed about sexist practice by GPs in other areas of their work ( Barrett and Roberts , 1978 ; Cooperstock , 1978 ) .
17 Millimetre wave lie between infrared and radio ( adjacent to the far infrared or ‘ sub-millimetre ’ wavelengths ) , and because of absorption in the atmosphere will be best studied from satellites .
18 For small issues placings tend to be cheaper and faster than offers for sale , ( about 11 ½ per cent of the funds raised for less than £5m as opposed to 14 per cent for offers for sale ) largely as a result of savings in advertising and preparing an offer document , and because of underwriting costs in offers for sale at about 2 per cent of funds raised .
19 Because of the varied nature of this sector and because of criticism of the term informal sector , itself , other attempts to clarity and analyse this area have been made .
20 He 'd had another sleepless night and ahead lay customs , who could n't be expected to be exactly pro-British , and because of post and telephone strikes in Argentina , he had n't been able to confirm the flight with Alejandro , so they 'd have to go through the hassle of hiring a car to drive the 330 kilometres out to his estancia .
21 Projections for the future are subject to great uncertainty because of the factors involved in energy forecasts and because of uncertainty in the willingness of the public to accept the potential risks associated with increased use of nuclear energy .
22 Their attempt at automatic application of the ANLT parser to the noun phrases failed due to ‘ inadequacies of grammatical coverage and because of resource limitations with long and multiply-ambiguous NPs ’ which resulted in ‘ very high numbers of automatically generated parses ’ .
23 Possibly goods may have been smuggled out without paying duty , although this last should not be exaggerated , because there is no reason to believe that the level of smuggling varied markedly from one period to another , and because with bulk commodities the possible gains were small and the risk of penalties was high ( 66 , pp.21–5 ) .
24 because their programmes can be planned , and because in fact we can check them if we desire to ( Bevan , cited in Donnison and Ungerson , 1982 , p. 142 )
25 This is the case because all firms are in the same risk class and because in equilibrium the rate of return on assets must equal the cost of capital .
26 But because of Government cuts there will be less help available with fewer able to afford care .
27 The Bill has the support from Tory MPs like Andrew Rowe and Roger Sims but because of government opposition , is unlikely to survive a second reading on 2 July .
28 Well the figures show that assessments of the over provision are incorrect but even had they been correct if circumstances were an over provision comes about not because of an increase in our provision of services , but because of expansion in the private sector .
29 In the past this plant would only have been found on the better drained slopes leading to our moorland plateaux , but because of man 's interference in this environment , by digging drainage ditches and lowering the water table , the plant has been able to spread onto the plateaux themselves .
30 The Library used a database written by Dr Cullen for cataloguing purposes , but because of software limitations , the system could not be used efficiently for enquiries , and it was unsuitable for processing subscriptions , loans and book orders .
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