Example sentences of "[coord] did n't know " in BNC.

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1 Noreen did n't know whether the older woman did n't want to continue , or did n't know how to .
2 Anyone who 'd paid money for their dog , or did n't know where it had been , should take it to the god in Lāmri to be blessed and cured : and if anyone had been bitten recently , or had been in contact with the rabid dog , they too should see that god .
3 He knew that I had some experience , but I think he was trying to make me relax and , perhaps , find out just how much I did or did n't know .
4 The Captain had no illusions about being able to guess what Demontis knew or did n't know .
5 Or did n't know . ’
6 er we both met him to try and make a plea to him to try and change his views and it 's fair to say that he does n't know or did n't know what was going on in his own backyard and John Patten I feel is the same as is the rest of the M P's in the Oxfordshire area .
7 Not so much the compromises , the deceits , the hypocrisies affecting his work , his women , his children , even his friends , but the sense of despair and failure hovering over him , as though he was trapped and did n't know how it had happened or what he should or could do .
8 And much much much much rather feed you brandy with my mouth which has n't done so much smiling since I was knee-high to a grasshopper and did n't know just how much fun this life could be .
9 I was involved with the show that was recorded at The Marquee and I think a few months after that he called me and said he was doing an album called ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ and did n't know where to get it mixed .
10 With hindsight , Beatrice 's remark that she was not at all impressed and did n't know who he was seems significant .
11 I was aware of its existence , but had n't read it and did n't know any more about it than that it was about to become law .
12 I was n't too keen on this cheek to cheek business , with men I 'd never seen before and did n't know the names of , but I kept on telling myself not to be standoffish and to relax a bit , but as for jiving — no , I could n't do that .
13 I realized I 'd no experience of organizing a memorial party and did n't know anybody who had .
14 Faced by Constance 's distress she felt utterly at sea and did n't know how to help her .
15 I was nearly in tears and did n't know what to do with it .
16 But they 'd had a little drink in Germany , and did n't know where to head !
17 ‘ I became really sick here for the first time and did n't know what was going on , ’ he recalls .
18 I was n't coming to terms with it and did n't know what to do .
19 She never fussed when he said that he was going down to the country and did n't know when he 'd be back .
20 I have known gardens where the roses never had a moment 's fungicidal attention and did n't know what mildew was , and there have been others where the roses received every care and attention , and each year the place looked like a flour mill .
21 You can tell that Arthur Parker , head of IBM UK 's Enterprise Systems division , is getting heartily sick of journalists asking him about downsizing : ‘ If I only read the papers and did n't know my subject I would believe that the vast majority of large corporations are desperate to move applications off the mainframe — and that is rubbish ’ he says .
22 Was the vicious rumour that he had turned up late after a liquid lunch and did n't know what he was voting for true ?
23 Ask a dozen American curators about Earl A. Powell III , the new Director of the National Gallery , Washington , and you get more or less the same general response : ‘ If you were having lunch with Rusty ( his nickname that everyone uses ) and did n't know what he did for a living , you would think he was either an Assistant Secretary of the Navy , a General Manager of General Motors , or a football coach .
24 A great magnificent image that I did n't want to use as material for a silly magazine article , but which I just could n't resist sharing with everyone I knew and did n't know .
25 The next day they charged Barry Moxton with the murder of his wife Mary and there was a picture on the front pages of him being led away with a blanket over his head and another of a policeman coming out of his mother 's house with a plastic bag that was said to contain his bloodstained and half-burned clothing , and a day or so after that Uncle Titch turned up in South Wales with his horse and cart where he said he 'd gone after a merry-go-round and did n't know what all the fuss was about , did n't know about any murder , did n't read the papers and was generally believed , at least by the people on the estate , because it was typical of Uncle Titch , and by that time the Queerfella who was queerer than any of them knew had made a full confession and it was all over bar the shouting and the trial , when he pleaded guilty and was sent down for life and everyone said he should have been hanged and pretended it had never once crossed their minds that it was Uncle Titch that done it .
26 His father was staying in the same house , and did n't know I was staying there , so I used to creep in at night .
27 A lot of them were slow , and did n't know what they were doing half the time : they 'd give you the wrong medicine .
28 I had never met David Waite and did n't know what he thought .
29 He saw them off on honeymoon and did n't know what to do with the weeks they were going to be away , until he thought of taking a total-immersion course in Italian .
30 The three say they were issued the cash by a bank and did n't know it was phoney .
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