Example sentences of "[coord] more [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 ( c ) oppositional , in which the cases represented by ( b ) are raised to active opposition to the established institutions , or more generally to the conditions within which these exist .
2 What is medically certain is that she died of coronary thrombosis : there is no question of any foul play , except of course if the heart attack was brought on by the shock of finding someone in her room stealing the jewel she had come all the way from America to hand over to the Ashmolean Museum , or more specifically to Dr Theodore Kemp on behalf of the Museum .
3 Now the many attempts to teach the rudiments of a human language to primates , or more recently to porpoises and dolphins , are fascinating and probably equally useful in extending the boundaries of our knowledge of their recognitional limits .
4 This not only completes the symmetry but also makes sense of the fact that as r approaches more and more nearly to zero , then unc will become larger and larger without limit .
5 Every year , Pakistanis donate more and more generously to Edhi 's cause .
6 Sexton quoted in Ranson ( 1990:115 ) argued that " it supposes that the wisdom of parents , separately and individually exercised , is more likely to achieve higher standards more quickly and more acceptably to the public than the collective wisdom of present bureaucrats , no matter how well-meaning those bureaucrats may be " .
7 As a result of a Request For Proposal process , IBM was asked to provide a more powerful and more up to date processor to replace one of the two existing IBM 3090–600J machines .
8 More regular and more up to date information is needed to take action .
9 And more up to date , there 's this nippy little number from Russia .
10 When people get into a stress-induced panic about their workload they may ( a ) begin to load more and more on to their own shoulders , and ( b ) feel so overwhelmed that they ca n't seem to get started .
11 But while these public performances continued to the general amusement of the audience , Joyce was dedicating himself more earnestly and more narrowly to the triumph of National Socialism in the world struggle .
12 A bachelor who is quiet , modest and with a slight stammer , he is wedded to his sport and more particularly to his art , which is the coaching of sprinters .
13 In the administration of Section V of the production Code , the Production Code Administration may take cognizance of the fact that the following words and phrases are obviously offensive to the patrons of motion pictures in the United States and more particularly to patrons of motion pictures in foreign countries : Chink , Dago , Frog , Greaser , Hunkie , Kike , Nigger , Spic , Wop , Yid .
14 It is to the Annales school , and more particularly to the assumptions governing their work , that I therefore turn , aiming to show how they have successfully applied the precepts of concessive holism to a wide range of subject , and in this way to suggest how the idea that holist explanations answer to a certain interest can be developed and defended .
15 Auditory , visual , and tactile processes can be used for the transmission of information in the form of signals , as a simple type of communication , but the communication processes discussed here will be limited to those used in the idea transfer process , and more particularly to those used in the growth and development of scientific knowledge .
16 When I traced my own family tree I found that the Heys had come into the parish of Penistone ( and more particularly to that part known as the township of Thurlstone where I lived ) about the year 1800 and that during the previous three centuries they had resided in Kirkburton parish immediately to the north .
17 These have implications for their approach to Information Management and more particularly to the management of electronic records .
18 It ascribed this to much slower growth in salaries compared with incomes derived from real estate and securities , and more broadly to the industrial restructuring and financial liberalization imposed in anticipation of the single European market in 1992 .
19 Please pray that many viewers may be able to share in that worship and find it helpful and that some who would otherwise ‘ switch off ’ will be drawn in to the programme and more importantly to the Lord Himself .
20 First , the operation of the two systems gave rise both to the duplication of effort and data and more importantly to considerable discrepancies between the details of an individual held on the two systems .
21 I would suggest to this conference and more importantly to this government , that that is no way to lift this country out of the recession and it 's no way for us to run an economy .
22 Instead , the Prince of Wales veered right back to the domain of his grandfather , King George VI , and more specifically to the beloved fields of Sandringham ; to that life where the wellington boot has priority alongside the gun , and the frozen kale field , in which the King was never happier than to spend several distinctly cold and uncomfortable hours .
23 The ubiquity and sensitivity of magnetic minerals , the speed and versatility of measuring equipment and the persistence of magnetic linkages between source and sediment make the emerging methodology ideally suited to both process- and reconstruction-oriented catchment studies and more especially to that integration of the two approaches so strongly advocated in recent time .
24 The tsar was personally reassured by the kaiser but by adding to the shadowy Dreikaiserbund a special relationship with Austria-Hungary , Bismarck had begun the slow elaboration of alliances which were to divide Europe more and more down to 1914 .
25 We are therefore left with only two certain pieces of contemporary evidence for the religious situation of the persecution period — as I have said , the Book of Daniel and the petition of the Samaritans of Shechem who wanted to dedicate their temple to Zeus , and more precisely to Zeus He ] lenios ( Jos .
26 That she writes boldly to Artemisia concerning her frustration , and more timorously to Lucinda , suggests partly a lingering ambivalence over the choices she has made , and , more proximately , a nervousness as she approached the literary world .
27 Their services may not be essential to the ability of school teachers to combine children with employment ; they may be to business women and barristers , and more so to divorced or single working women .
28 It is with regard to this principle , but more importantly to the actual facts of persecution , that we urge the support of Labour 's leaders and membership by restoring , this week , a policy commitment to full equality for lesbians and gay men .
29 If this happens it will be a loss not just to the National Park , but more particularly to the local areas with which they are associated .
30 In recent years the breed has been exported to some extent to Jamaica , Uganda , Saudi Arabia and Iran but more widely to Canada , the USA and New Zealand .
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