Example sentences of "[coord] so [art] day " in BNC.

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1 This is in spite of the emerging medical consensus that people who drink up to four drinks or so a day live longer and are less likely to suffer from heart disease than either abstainers or heavy drinkers .
2 The Editor agreed and so a day or two later my edited statement was published in Burmese on the front page of the New Light of Burma in a translation which U Khin Maung , my talented and faithful Information Officer , approved .
3 And so the day came when , stripped of their weapons , that Ducas gang were herded to the garrison block nestling in the shell of the hive hard by the gateway fortress which guarded access and egress for the land trains .
4 And so the day we bought the piano was memorable for many reasons .
5 and there be twenty eight shillings a week , that 's all I allowed him and because that was even better than labour money and so the day , they , I had to keep that they stopped all me labour , so cos I had the money you see .
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