Example sentences of "[coord] can [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 — With Mr. Gould all this is very different — he has sufficient to live on , whether his subscribers pay or not , & can well afford the innumerable little expenses of printing — but for poor I — I have just nine and twenty times resolved to give up Parrots & all — & should certainly have done so — had not my good genius with vast reluctance just 9 & 20 times set me a going again . ’
2 To draw unemployment benefit in an off-season a seasonal worker must show he has already had , or can reasonably expect to obtain , a substantial amount of employment during the current off-season — normally at least one quarter of that period .
3 ‘ As I keep saying , I do n't need you or anybody else to tell me what I can or can not do . ’
4 Whether you are renting privately , from a housing association or from a council , you should have a proper tenancy agreement that gives rules of occupation , i.e. what you can or can not do , such as keep pets , or alter the structure of the property .
5 Questions about what law can or can not do raise wider issues about people , behaviour and social theory .
6 While , in the majority of states , the legislature is limited by the constitution in what it can or can not do , the traditional view here is that Parliament is subject to no such legal limitation and that our courts have no power to declare laws duly passed by Parliament invalid .
7 As we noted above , some technical expertise is essential to an understanding of what different delivery platforms can or can not do .
8 It is disgusting when folk in Brussels overrule my country 's decisions and decide what our representatives in Westminster can or can not do .
9 Those who lose or can not meet the urge become ‘ defeated ’ , become dependent , destructive , or , if not apathetic , at least dismissive .
10 Where an organisation will not or can not meet its obligations , a third party creditor is likely to press its claims against the members of the organisation , despite their third party status with respect to the particular transaction .
11 The form includes a declaration to be completed according to whether a survivor of the buyers can or can not give a valid receipt for purchase monies .
12 This has been a problem on some of the new designs of Sprinter and at present , it is often quite uncertain whether one can or can not travel with a cycle on specific journeys , which discourages cyclists from using rail at all .
13 It is reassuring for someone to know that if they jump at shadows or can not sleep after an accident or a crime , it is part of a natural process and that they will get over it .
14 You should have already completed research into your local area and know where you can or can not detect safely .
15 Blithely unworried by the implications of whether lesbians and gay men are born or bred , by whether one can or can not promote , and by accusations of Labour promoting , Mr Grant boldly went where no labour leadership representative had dared to go .
16 One of these is appreciation of a business unit 's limitations , knowing what it can or can not expect to undertake successfully .
17 Those who make a mistake , or can not think of a word beginning with their letter , drop out .
18 My dream is achievable because all we have to do is stop doing some of the things we are already doing : stop using the productive forces we have developed to create disabilities through warfare , environmental pollution and industrial accidents ; stop creating disabilities through poverty by using our vast wealth not in pursuit of capital accumulation and profit , but in ensuring that we all have the necessities to sustain material life ; and stop judging and treating people on the basis of the contribution they can or can not make to the development and operation of these productive forces .
19 If she/he does not or can not succeed in forming friendships , she/he will become very lonely indeed , no longer belonging entirely to the family , and unable to belong in any real sense to the school and the peer groups within it .
20 Contractors are either not interested because the job is too small or can not undertake the work for weeks .
21 The Mines ( Working Facilities and Support ) Act 1966 , as amended , provides a means by which an operator who is either unable to trace the mineral rights owner , or can not reach an agreement on reasonable terms with him , can obtain the necessary authority to explore for and work minerals .
22 Under the general safety requirement , retailers are criminally liable if they knowingly expose an unsafe product for sale , whereas in civil law , under the product liability regime , retailers are liable to third party victims only if they present themselves as the producer or can not identify the person who supplied them with the product .
23 Since 1964 , when I first worked ( and lived ) in the region , what I have been seeing in babies and young children is starvation : a host of children of one and two years who can not sit up unaided , who do not or can not speak , whose skin is stretched so tightly over the chest and stomach that every curve of the breastbone and ribs stands out .
24 Provided that the person putting the terms forward has taken reasonable steps to bring the terms to the attention of persons in general , it is irrelevant that those steps were insufficient to bring the terms to the attention of the particular contracting partner , for instance because he/she is illiterate , blind or can not speak the language in which the terms are printed ( Thompson v London Midland and Scottish Railway Co [ 1930 ] 1 KB 41 ) .
25 Sometimes authorities are understood to be limited by the kinds of acts which they can or can not regulate ( given some restrictive ways of classifying acts ) .
26 The real picture is even worse , since 10% of contracted sales fall through , as buyers pull out because they are nervous or can not get the finance .
27 I also said that erm my I expressed that the fears that I expressed at this meeting last time about er the fact that Paul and I now supervise civilian staff , er which I 've never been sat down and told what the civilians term of contract are and what I can or can not say or whatever , so erm I feel it will be quite valuable , and brought it for me to see if anybody think it 's worthwhile pursuing .
28 So when the chairperson does not like it , or can not understand it — or never sees your advertising — and your advertising is designed to appeal ( say ) to factory supervisors or teenagers , you can treat this judgement with the appropriate degree of ( polite ) contempt .
29 I think there is a general acceptance even amongst those who are not helpful that there is a major problem here that they can not ignore or can not deny and they have even got beyond the stage of trying to blame the victims .
30 The intellectual stance that is taken by a friend on various issues of life should be understood because meaningful friendship is difficult between people who do not know , do not care about or can not comprehend the other 's thoughts or philosophy of life .
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