Example sentences of "[coord] went up to " in BNC.

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1 King agreed with me as to Mr Gould being an entirely uneducated man — he sd when he came here [ to Sydney ] he brought verbal introductions from Sir J. to difft. individuals & went up to them & sd .
2 It bored Philip , so he usually stayed in the kitchen or went up to his room .
3 Prices for Koons 's work start at $65,000 ( and went up to $250,000 at the Banality show ) , but there are plenty of takers .
4 He set the car alarm , and went up to the door .
5 They turned into Liveseys ' yard , and went up to the office .
6 Here , in an empty silence , he unpacked his bicycle panniers and went up to the pantry where the bulk of the xerox squatted amongst unsavoury tea-towels beside a tea-stained sink .
7 After all , it did not stretch to the floor but started at three feet six and went up to seven feet .
8 He left school before the last lesson at three , went into town for pie and chips , got stocked up with coke and doughnuts for supper and went up to Firelight 's field .
9 Then she turned , was shrouded in darkness , and went up to bed .
10 ‘ And the king was much moved , and went up to the chamber over the gate , and wept : and as he went , thus he said , O my son Absalom , my son , my son Absalom ! would God I had died for thee , O Absalom , my son , my son ! ’
11 I was determined to see it and I pulled away from him and went up to the box office to pay my penny , hoping he would follow .
12 ‘ We had been drinking and went up to the bedroom .
13 Patrick took his tea and went up to the first floor , to the long landing window which looked over the village green .
14 I finished the novel and went up to the Hill to watch the CIA-BCCI hearings .
15 But Nick said , ‘ Hallo , Mister Johnny , ’ and went up to him as if it were the easiest and most natural thing in the world .
16 Patrick nodded and went up to the front door .
17 I had just passed my RAF selection and went up to Soho with a couple of mates to celebrate .
18 ‘ Ignore the barrage balloon , ’ he joked , flattening himself exaggeratedly against the wall as the actors came out of the pass door and went up to their rooms .
19 Hope did not pursue the matter but saw that the claret was finished rapidly and went up to his room , his brain twisting around obstacles , snaking over the barricades of his common sense , scaling the walls of his strategies .
20 Carey left his room and went up to Ellwood 's .
21 They all turned back and went up to the suite .
22 He drove the car into the garage reserved for residents and went up to his apartment .
23 Bernard in a state of disgust , left the proceedings early and went up to bed .
24 They walked to the lift and went up to the fourth floor .
25 I got back to Ingard House a bit after four o'clock , and went up to rooms 207–8 , the offices allotted to us for the purposes of our audit .
26 Corbett groaned and went up to his chamber , throwing himself down on the small cot and reflecting on what he had learnt .
27 I then er , we then broke away and went up to the er , I suppose it 's the , I do n't know what part of the , but it 's the Dales , that 's where I moved to then and then to because my dad could n't , getting on in years , he could n't take the hills up and then from I got married and we moved into this address here and then that was the day after war was declared that I got married .
28 When they returned to the house , Terry tried to persuade her to accompany her to visit one of her girlfriends , for a sort of hen night , she supposed , but Ellie pleaded tiredness and went up to her room , and that , except for a brief trip to the kitchen for something to eat , was where she stayed .
29 With these words , Maisie snapped her mask up to her face and went up to the front door .
30 Pooley deposited the tray in the Coffee Room and went up to the gallery where Fishbane was awaiting a summons .
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