Example sentences of "[coord] went on the " in BNC.

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1 And er also down at Long Eaton Labour Exchange , which we walked to , or went on the train for tuppence , we had to er fetch our money on Friday night .
2 I gave up work so I could practise singing and playing , and went on the dole in England .
3 The drums of the cold war 's final offensive beat loud in Central America as President Reagan fought the guerrillas in El Salvador and went on the counter-attack against Nicaragua 's fledgling revolution .
4 He sought out Burkett and Sylvia and went on the lake to fish .
5 She left the riding stables and went on the dole .
6 Well of course we protested and went on the March for Life and Peace , which was turned back by the military .
7 Utilizing some of the truly awesome powers at my disposal , I took , as Laz would say , a powder , and went on the lam .
8 Er , and went on the you know la la la like this
9 On the second day Smith was palpably out lbw but went on the score 42 ; Mujtaba was given out when the ball seemed to hit his boot ; and Gooch , I believe , should have been given out three times in the second innings .
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