Example sentences of "[coord] going to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mm , or going to Paris on the honeymoon !
2 We have had a very good year , thanks to the indefatigable Bugs sitting behind me , who is either fitting the boats out or going to New Zealand to win races or taking Guide Dogs for the Blind sponsored trips round greek flotillas er everything comes to him readily .
3 A. Each day , in the Mersey estuary , some twenty or thirty ships are arriving or going to sea .
4 Although dozens of political detainees had been released in August 1990 and in March 1991 , the report said that more than 100 political prisoners continued to be held , some " for up to seven years without ever being charged or going to trial " .
5 People with schizophrenia who are discharged from hospital to live with relatives who are over-critical , disapproving or who express a high level of anxiety and tension , are more likely to suffer early relapse than those returning to a neutral or tolerant atmosphere , and spending less time in daily contact with other members of the family , possibly by attending a day centre or going to work , seems to help some sufferers to cope with an emotionally charged home environment .
6 During the next three months Alexander spent all his hard-earned money visiting the theatre , art galleries or going to concerts .
7 The field-worker was able to spend as much time in the field as the principal investigator thought necessary , and no restrictions were placed on her going out on patrol , travelling in vehicles , or going to incidents of routine police duty .
8 Routines help a child to master daily tasks like feeding , washing or going to sleep , so that more can be achieved with less effort .
9 Kreitman and Chowdhury ( 1973b ) found that the most common reason given for not getting in touch with a helping agency was that the overdose was seen as a way of relieving strain or going to sleep .
10 Secondly , these falling yields mean that it is becoming cheaper for firms and individuals to borrow by issuing new claims like bonds and equities or going to building societies , by comparison with borrowing from banks .
11 Green is the ‘ go-ahead ’ code for the type of behaviour you want from your children , the actions you always remember to praise and encourage : sharing toys with another child , perhaps , or going to bed without a prolonged fuss .
12 If you insure all the property in your flat against theft , fire etc. you have less of an incentive to make the place thief-proof and to check over it carefully before going out or going to bed than if you were not insured .
13 It was when they started being invited out for dinner , or going to restaurants for special occasions , that she remembered he knew about different kinds of food .
14 Well yes , but do n't we all use artificial aids of one kind or another ; try eating your dinner without a knife and fork or going to Australia without an aeroplane .
15 And going to England one place we did n't enough do you see , so we were going Then we went to Northampton and different places like that , shifting about for a while .
16 And then they were giving up and going to America , they were going They had a sister .
17 Living here with you and Auntie Lou , and going to Druid 's Bottom , and getting the hay in , and listening to Hepzibah 's stories .
18 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
19 She likes swimming , writing , going away in her family 's caravan and going to Brownies .
20 Her garden and going to church ?
21 Diana loves dressing up , wearing priceless jewels , and going to film premiéres
22 Rather different is the question of the other processes between setting type and going to press .
23 They approved of her becoming a nurse and going to France , but they told her she should have done it sooner .
24 I was just a little kid , living at home and going to school — fifteen , but boy it was real exciting .
25 Erm while your children were here and going to school in , in and all that , did they have any instruction from , from the temple , any extra tuition in anything ?
26 We used to all wear pinnies , white pinnies , on the top of our dresses and going to school and I used to go into old Mr n and he would say to me And what colour of the bow do you want on your pinny today ?
27 The next event in Molla Fenari 's life was his leaving Bursa and going to Karaman .
28 She flew back to Lima and wrote to all her clients telling them not to expect any more craft goods : she was quitting and going to work in the jungle .
29 Once you feel more able to control symptoms we can set about confronting situations that you have been avoiding , such as meeting people and going to work .
30 Now from being at school , enjoying yourself and enjoying yourself , and , and going to work , did you feel differently ?
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