Example sentences of "[coord] all [art] people " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't remember who he was supporting , but I was a regular visitor because being a big blues fan , it meant I could go and see Sonny Boy Williamson , and all the people who would be at the Richmond Jazz/American Blues Folk Festival that came every year .
2 for when every commandment of the law had been declared by Moses to all the people , he took the blood of calves and goats , with water and scarlet wool and hyssop , and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people , saying , ‘ This is the blood of the covenant which God commanded you . ’
3 And all the people who look after them .
4 And you beat me every time , do n't you , you and all the people like you , Kegan ?
5 Elizabeth Young and Simone Tramontana for suggesting that the two bystanders were the same height before one of them shot the fall and all the people who spotted breakouts on the way down .
6 Came the day , and the film unit — a ponderous line of vehicles , carrying half a ton of exceedingly expensive equipment and all the people required to make it work efficiently — rumbled out of the centre of Leeds .
7 2 Chronicles 24 : 10–11 All the officials and all the people brought their contributions gladly , dropping them into the chest until it was full .
8 At times , in the months following the return from Germany , he had actively hated it and all the people who did belong .
9 He knew all the places to go and all the people to know .
10 But look outside , at the street-skinned hills , the wildernesses of the parks behind their railings , and all the people .
11 When a dog found the game it would bark , and all the people would run after it , forcing the animals to rush into the net .
12 And all the people who worked for him .
13 Because there are more people there on Saturday and all the people we know will be there and it 's more fun when there 's a crowd .
14 And all the people that had stallions South been left in Orkney all Winter somebody had kept them .
15 If the Community is truly to mean a better life for the people of the United Kingdom and all the people of the Community — women as well as men , ethnic minorities as well as the white majority — then the EC 's future development can not simply be ‘ left to the market ’ .
16 Cos I see all the waste and all the people in those organizations .
17 You will be semi-detached from the world around you for a wee while Wednesday and all the people and places that make up your life will take on a shadowy irrelevance until you come to terms with your own innermost thoughts and feelings .
18 I have been unemployed for seven months now and all the people I meet in the Job Club seem to have at least one bad experience of these so-called training schemes .
19 You know if er you know if federal government says well we think it 'd be a good idea to set up a erm you know a national space agency er NASA and all these other wonderful things , you know , and all the people in congress say great idea , great idea er we 'll have to have a launching site , we 'll have to have a launching site in Florida er cos it 'd be good to get one next to the water otherwise the rockets might come down and hit people and that would be unfortunate so we 'll agree there has to be a seaboard state but Flo well we 'll choose Florida cos the weather 's nice and you can play tennis all the year round so it 's a good idea and then we have to have mission control , right ?
20 ‘ We went right through the town centre and all the people doing their Saturday shopping stood and clapped and shouted messages of support as we went by . ’
21 Well this morning I were listening to er Roy Normal on the , the Welsh radio programmes and he was talking to er various people and he told one young woman who had been in a certain area in world where they were filming , er and she 'd gone to see this filming with Alan Ladd and all these , you know , and anyway she goes she went into the er local chip shop and the er assistant for the film , the labourer came in and ordered , ordered forty packet of chips and er and he was saying oh it were for film you see , so she thought I 'd go down and see what 's happening , so she went down to the pier end and they were all er doing the performance and er , the producer says now all you people there , he says that 's interested , he said would you all go onto the pier , he says and talk he says and read , make it , you know make it interesting , so they all piled onto the pier and er , they filmed what they had to film with the pier in the background and all the people that were on the pier , so this girl was on the film you know , then after it had finished , he thanked everybody , he says now then do n't walk off the pier , he says will you as you 're going off walk past this , the table at the end there and their bloke give them three pound ten a piece
22 the apocalypse and all the people atheists and one where ah the Christians , Christians over there please well I 'm sorry to tell you but the jews were right
23 Erm he , he 's saying , he 's saying here that basically Chiang Kai-Shek erm and all the people of have s have talked about the fact that erm , you know , they wa they want to arouse the masses of the people but then that they 're gon na be scared to death when the masses do rise .
24 And all the people answered and said his blood be on us and our , and on our children .
25 If we ask who the ‘ many people ’ were who had been saved from famine through Joseph 's foresight and planning , they were not merely Joseph , his father and brothers and their families , but all the people of Egypt .
26 The Counts were well pleased at this ; but all the people of the land were sorrowful .
27 I 've met people who 've said they 've , they 've enjoyed living in the flats , but all the people I 've known who 've said that have since moved out .
28 ‘ The Lionisers are having an evening at the Albion Hotel tonight , and not only will they be there but all the people who cooked and served your father 's dinner that evening .
29 see and he started up that way and , and the religion was the most popular thing in the country , but all the people were outlaws .
30 But all the people who took part were very , very brave and I have nothing but admiration for them all .
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